Chapter 26

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It was quite late when Nathan returned much to Eleanor's chagrin

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It was quite late when Nathan returned much to Eleanor's chagrin. All she could do since the minute he had left was pace nervously in her room. Her parents had requested her presence at dinner but she had resolutely refused – it was not the time to eat. She had even worn a hole – no, several holes – in the carpet and her fingernails were uneven from nervous chewing. Although Nathan seemed sure, there were several things that could go wrong. Ram could refuse – mayhap his loyalty was to Gresham, gold coin notwithstanding. Maybe he would accept Nathan's gold and then return to Gresham the next chance he got.

And the worst – perhaps he'd kill him.

Eleanor knew she was being melodramatic. The odds of Nathan being shot were slim. But she could not help but worry.

When he finally returned, he did not come to her bedroom but went directly into his. Eleanor was alerted to his arrival by the footsteps resonating in the other room. She immediately rushed through the connecting door, anxious for news.

Nathan was removing his coat and cravat when she hurried in and closed the door behind her and locked it.

'Well? Were you successful?' she asked. Nathan looked her way and gave a heart-stopping smile. Eleanor couldn't help but return it. It was definitely alright then.

'Indeed, 'tis done,' he said, holding out a hand to her. Eleanor clasped it and he cocooned her in his arms, dropping a kiss on the top of her head – very easily done as he was so tall and she, so short.

'How did you manage to do it?'

'Well, Ram was ever-willing to return once I made him fully aware how destitute Gresham's condition was. When he realised, he was no longer going to receive payment, he willingly outed all of his movements and even handed me some circumstantial evidence.'

'Evidence! Of what?'

Nathan chuckled and placed a soft kiss on her lips. 'The daft fellow isn't merely a supplier to the Viceroy. He's embezzling money from the exchequer.'

Eleanor gasped. 'The exchequer! But – I don't understand how that's possible.'

'A few well-placed connections and anything is possible, really. It isn't direct embezzlement but a few funds allocated for the army have been – how do I say it – reallocated. I have the letters to prove it. In fact, I have arranged for the letters to be made public as soon as tomorrow. Of course, it shall take a while for the news to reach London.'

'That is great news!' Eleanor exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him. 'Especially if it provides us with credibility before he can release any evidence with regards to us.'

Nathan scoffed. 'He has no evidence. He was bluffing. The only way he could release any news was if Ram testified. He was willing but the courts would not believe the words of an Indian over mine, however a sorry state of affairs it is. And we can't let word of my involvement be public. There are a lot of public sympathisers but they get so little done due to open opposition and are in dire danger as well. Working in the shadows ensures matters run effectively.'

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