Chapter 24- Too Late

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School went out about six minutes ago, and Javier had given Elana a message for Eli to meet him at the field in the next few minutes.

He was tapping his finger on his leg rapidly, as his heart was beating at a mile a minute. Saying he was nervous would be an understatement, he was distraught. He knew what he had to do today and he was not prepared to do it.

After a few more minutes of internal panic, he saw a figure, that looked very similar to Eli's walking towards him. Somehow, his body managed to smile at the sight of the boy despite his heart basically imploding.

He began to look closer at Eli's face when it came into view and his smile vanished as quickly as it came, his eyes were a bit red and that was not an expression he's ever seen on the boy's face before. Rage.

Eli stood infront of him, glaring at his face, ready to hit that beautiful decorated piñata like a four year old at their best friend's party.

"Talk." Despite just wanting to beat the shit out of Javier, he reigned in his anger enough to atleast hear out his side of the story, the hitting would come after.

"I guess you already know a bit if you're glaring at me like that, well here goes nothing... I sealed your memories." He paused at that, looking to see if Eli had anything to say but he just continued to glare at him, waiting for him to finish.

"Being an enchanter, perhaps the most skilled in the school, I was requested by the school to seal them, that's why I was in the infirmary when you woke up and also why I was your roommate."

"My roommate?"

"I was supposed to keep the spell going, fuel it in a sense, I went out to find dedisca flowers to help the spell in repressing your memory and to be able to dose you with it I'd needed to live with you."

"Supposed to?"

"I... I couldn't do what the school wanted at the cost of our friendship. If I could've broken the spell, I would've already but only you can break it."

"The school or Mr. D?"

Javier hesitated at that, not entirely sure if he should rat out Eli's favorite teacher, the man who basically became a father figure in his life.

"If you lie to me that's it, I'm done. Tell. Me. The. Truth." Eli said through gritted teeth.

"Mr. Donia did. He ordered me to dose you with the dedisca daily to ensure that the spell would be strong enough to fight off your... will."

The first tear fell. Eli continued to glare but his cheeks grew wet with emotions. Javier wanted nothing more than to embrace him but he had a feeling that touching Eli right now would only bring negative feedback.

"Maybe you were under orders, I get that, but why didn't you tell me earlier?" Eli said his voice cracking with raw emotion, his trust shattering and the pain assaulting his heart.

Javier felt his heart still at that question.
Why hadn't I told him? I knew it was wrong and I even disobeyed Mr. Donia's orders by getting rid of the dedisca. I... I didn't want him to hate me. I didn't want him to hate me because I... I wanted him to like me.

Upon that realization, Javier's eyes mimic those of Eli and a tear slid down his cheek, he then avoided eye contact and looked at the floor.

"I... I didn't want you to hate me."

The hit came unexpectedly for Javier, the sucker punch sent him straight to the ground.

"Too late." And with that, Eli stormed off leaving a guilty tear stained face Javier on the ground.


"Ethan calm down, I know it's hard but they can't hurt her here, we're safe."

Ethan glanced at his sister, looking at the tears that fill her eyes when she thinks of their parents.

Ethan's life was not an easy one, he was the black sheep of his family. Being born a noble while one would think its pros would always outweigh its cons, in Ethan's case, it didn't.

His entire family was a family of bimages, there'd never been anyone born from the Morgen family that has been anything else, until Ethan that is. This led to him being treated less than everyone else for something that was simply out of his control, for simply not being born like everyone else.

For a time, he hated himself and his twin. If only he were Elana, he wouldn't have had to endure that painful childhood. He wasn't allowed to eat at their table, or to eat at all without their permission. He needed their permission to do anything at all. He lived outside, in a poorly constructed shed, disowned from his family, hidden away from the world.

This particular conversation stemmed from whether or not they should keep the kitsune spirit that they found in the forest. Elana was trying to convince him to, but Ethan remembered vividly.

A small nine year old Ethan, his white hair grown to his shoulders, laid in his shed. The rain falling and the droplets sneaking in through the holes in the roof. It didn't bother him much, he loved the rain, what he didn't like was the dark.

There was no light in the shed, and it was about 2am that particular night, Ethan tried to sleep, he did, but the heavy pelting of the rain, the being soaked and the heavy thunders kept him awake and he was terrified.

Then he heard a chirping noise coming from inside the tent, and everything was illuminated. The feathers of the Ercinee bird glowed a vibrant green and yellow. Ethan felt his heart calm down with the sight of light and he stared at the bird in awe. He had never seen colours so beautiful.

The bird hopped on over to Ethan and spread it wings, brightening the room even further and Ethan reached out to touch its feathers.

However, a loud boom stopped him and there stood his father, a man with a large frame, his muscles bulging out his shirt and white hair cut short to his head, his grey eyes somehow burning bright with hatred that Ethan could definitely see.




His father, Edgar Morgen, walked over to the ercinee and snatches it up before Ethan's eyes. A sickening crack echoed through the room, even the passing storm seemed to have quieted itself in sheer horror of what took place.

"I can't keep it Elana, you know what they'll do."

"They don't control us anymore."

"Yes. They do. Shut up, I'm not keeping it."

Elana sighed, knowing she'll never win against her brother's stubbornness and decided to improvise.

"It'll be mine then, I'll keep it and you can nurture it alongside me, even though I'm sure it'd much prefer just you." She said throwing a glare to the snow-white fox that looked up at her with crystal blue eyes before cutting its eyes and looking back at Ethan.


"No, I know how much you love animals, you can't keep letting them control you even now, you don't owe them anything."

Ethan sighed but nodded his head reluctantly, while picking up the fox.

"She needs a name Ethan." He glared at her but sighed yet again.


Elana smiled brightly at that and threw her hands around her brother, proud that he'd atleast willing to try this. The happy moment was short-lived when a knock sounds at the door.

Ethan went to see who it is, Eis climbing up on his head, wiggling its two frost blue tails. He opened the door and his eyes widen significantly at seeing Eli standing there looking an absolute mess, tears and snot staining his face, his eyes bloodshot and his hair a wild mess.

"Can I stay here tonight?"

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