Chapter 22- Bonded

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"Eli we have the spell."

"We do it tonight then."

"Eli, think about this, you're going to be bonded to him, probably forever, you'll become pieces of each other." Javier informed, his expression serious, wanting to show Eli just how serious this binding ritual is.

Familiars are lifelong partners, normally spirits in the form of animals that help to guide/guard a witch/warlock through their lives, not everyone wanted that committment however, so they settled for pets, while not having the familiar bond, the pets were still pretty reliable.

"I think we already are." Eli said glancing down at the boy at his side.

"Fine, we'll do it when you come back from training, we'll be setting everything up in the mean time."

Eli nodded, saying his thanks, telling Aurum that he'd be back soon, Aurum clutched him, not liking be separated yet again.

"I'll be back soon, I promise, stay with Javier and be a good boy okay?" Aurum looked up at Eli his eyes filled with tears but still went over to stand beside Javier.

Eli left, teleporting to the fields where Mr. Donia was already waiting and ready for training. Mr. Donia smiled at him in greeting and Eli returned it. The training went by quickly, Eli actually managing to get a few hits in on the teacher, a great improvement since the summer five months ago.

"Mr. D there's something I want to ask you."

"And what would that be Eli?"

"Would you lie to me?"

"That depends."

"On what?"

"If the lie would protect you, then I would." Eli hummed, his suspicions becoming more clear.

"I didn't ask you to protect me now did I?" Mr. Donia glanced at Eli, his smile fading, realizing that Eli most definitely suspected something. He didn't really care, he made his choice and he hadn't regretted it or so he thought.

"I suppose not, but what kind of person would I be if I didn't try to?" Eli glared, not wanting to even continue this conversation, he'd heard all he needed to. Sadly, the time prevented Eli from asking his last question, even though he knew the answer.

Did you mess with my memories? The question was on the tip of his tongue but it wasn't the time, he had somewhere else to be.

"I guess you would be a bad person huh? Bye sir."

"Goodbye Eli."

Eli teleported back to the dorm outside the door. He opened it and sees a magical circle on the floor, a couple candles lit around the edges where the lines inside touches the circle.

"No time to waste Eli, we're doing this now." Javier said, Akira and Aurum standing on either side of him, Aurum's face glowing upon Eli's return.

"Okay, where are the twins?"

"Apparently something came up with their family. You and Aurum have to lay inside the circle."

Eli laid in the center of the circle. A few minutes passed as they finished up the final touches, they told Eli to call Aurum to his side and to lay down as well, he then took the dragon's hand in his.

"Akira draw the sigil now"

"I'll draw it when I'm ready." Javier rolled his eyes as she crouched over and drew the sigil, a dragon curling into itself, its wings covering its body on Eli's shoulder.

"Eli, this might hurt a bit once we begin so you're gonna have to bear with it okay?"

Eli nodded his head, and Javier started the chant closing his eyes for better focus. A sharp pain ran through Eli's body, and then his arm felt as if it caught on fire. A searing pain erupted where the sigil was painted and he held back a scream by clamping his teeth together in agony.

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