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I'm sitting outside on a bench when Marcel approaches me

"So you took the serum"

Marcel sits beside me "You were always the smart one"

"What you going to do now, Marcel?" I ask "Are you going to make me officially an orphan?"

he doesn't say anything

"If you kill my dad then I will make sure you die" I promise "That's a promise Marcel"

"I don't doubt that, Samael"

"I don't like Elijah either" I joke "Everyone calls him the noble one but he's a dick head"

Marcel laughs

"I agree"


I ended up in Kenner's apartment with a dying aunt

"The Prophecy is coming true" Aunt Freya says "This is the day Lucien said would come"

"No" Hayley says "There has to be another way out of this. Especially with your and Sam's magic" she bites her wrist and gives it over "Here, drink. It won't cure you, but it will help you. Lucien has an antidote to the poison in his penthouse"

"Even if I was cured, the power I sued to fight Lucien, it's gone. There's nothing that can stop Marcel now"

"There might be one thing. Stay here, watch Sam and Hope"

"I don't need to be watched" I scoff


We're at Lucien's pothouse

"It's not here" Freya says "I can't find it"

"Calm down. Freya, think" Hayley tells "When you were poisoned before, Klaus stole an antidote from Lucien. It has to be here"

"There's no other place to look. If I can't find the cure, I will die"

all my uncles burst through the door with Kol in Finn's arms badly wooded

"Freya" dad shouts

"Elijah" Hayley shouts

"Don't" Elijah says "We deal with it later"

Kol slumps on the sofa and gasps

"I am going to die"

Hope starts crying so I put my arms around her and start whispering

"You're not going to die" dad says

Kol chuckles "Now that sounds familiar. Isn't that what you said to Cami?"

"Look, Lucien engineered his venom from seven werewolf packs, so maybe, that's the key to a cure"

"Oh great, that's the first piece in a puzzle none of us will be alive to solve. I'm poisoned, Rebekah is hexed, and our brothers are bitten. We need three cured to three different ailments, each of which could take years to find, and none of us will make it through the day"

I sigh "I have an idea but um you all won't like it"

they all look over

"Go on" Kol coughs

"In Mystic Falls, Tyler told me that Ester linked you all. In the Chambre de Chasse time stops. You would only need one person in this world to tie you all down"

they all blink at me

"That would work" Freya says "With the right spells"


it was decided that dad would be the link after he got summoned to the compound by Marcel

Elijah, Kol, Hayley, Freya, Finn, and I are gathered around the table. A paper with all the aunts and uncles name on it.

"Rebekah's dagger. It has her blood" Freya and are chanting while we all hold hands. Then they all collapse on the floor soulless

"Well" I sigh "We have a lot of work to do"

Hayley looks at me sadly "We do, and we need to keep Hope out of it"

"She deserves a childhood"

we get them all in coffins and loads them in the truck

I look out "Don't worry, dad, I'll get you back"

I get in the truck with Hayley in the back

"Bubba? Where daddy? and where is aunties and uncles?"

breath goes out my nose "They won't be around for awhile Hope. One day they will be back. Daddy did something really brave and uh the others are taking long naps to heal"


This one's shorter then the others but I didn't want to start back to the next season on this chapter

I'm your kid too, father Where stories live. Discover now