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we are back at the nasty ass club

dear grandmother is sitting shackled on a chair

Elijah looks dead scary playing with a knife

"Let me guess-- you brought me back from the dead to torture me"

Elijah rolls his eyes

"My dear mother, we simply need your blood. Though, in the even that you should suffer horribly, I can't promise i won't enjoy it immensely"

I hum "I like this side of you, Elijah"

Klaus arrives joining us

he sits by me "Ah, mother, I've arrived just in time for another one of your deaths. Maybe we will have Sam do it as he is the only one who hasn't. But as much as I appreciate the front-row seat, I'm afraid I'm going to have to postpone the festivities"

Elijah growls "You're in excellent spirits"

"Lucky for you, as I'm the one needed to save the day" Klaus smirks

"Is that what it's called?"

"Why not? My plan's worked perfectly"

Elijah lunges for him

"CAN YOU TWO NOT FOR TWO SECONDS" I yell "Who is the seven year old here? Me or the two of you? Jesus can you not wait till after Dahlia's dead to have one of your death matches?"

they both blink at me

"Fair enough" Elijah grumbles

Klaus looks at me amused "and what did you have in mind?"

"Mind games" I shrug "Everyone has a weakness; Dahlia's is so obvious grandmother"

Ester rolls her eyes "Ah, yes. You expect me to walk willingly to my death"

"Your willing participation would be a bonus" Klaus grins "But it's far from necessary. If needs be, I'll drag you there myself"

I poke Klaus

he looks at me

"Could you take this off" I ask holding up my arm "Please"

Klaus takes my arm in his hands and slips the bracelet off my wrist

oh thank fucking god

Rebekah walks in the room

"Yes, dear mother, you do not have a choice. Then again, why should you be any different from the rest of us? We're all dancing puppets in Nik's end-of-days marionette show. He forces every move we make"

"And how long are you gonna stand there and pretend you don't need me to? The both of you have fought me at every turn, leaving me no choice but to act alone! We're no strangers to disagreements on the battlefield, but we also have a very long history of doing whatever it takes to win the war"

Elijah stand hitting the table "And what of Gia?" he walks forward "Hayley?"


"Collateral damage"

Elijah jumps over the table and punches him

"You claim your actions are part of some ruse-- this was a punishment"

"Punishment? Whatever for? Perhaps the dagger you put in my heart"

Elijah's gonna start shouting now

"You brought that upon yourself! No, we have fought together for centuries, and once again, to break your enemy, you broke your family" Damn "Well, now this-- whatever the outcome tonight, you will no longer see me by your side. You want to be alone? Well, congratulations. You have your wish"

I'm your kid too, father Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang