almost dying again

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Elijah, Freya, and I walk towards dad who is holding a man in uniform by his throat

"I see we're in for another normal Mikaelson breakfast" Freya sighs

Elijah rolls his eyes "Niklaus, for Heaven's sake! Release the poor creature"

so he lets the guy drop to the court yard

"Should have been specific" I mumble looking down

"He'll live" dad says "And he'll remember to do better"

Elijah and Freya look put out

"Is all this torture necessary" Freya asks

dad ignores her instead yelling into the hallway "Where have you been"

Marcel walks into the room looking annoyed

"I was making sure that the Strix and their witches are out trying to find your loony ex-girlfriend. Is that okay by you?"

I smirk looking between them

"Gentlemen, please" Elijah sighs

"All of our heads are on the chopping block because he lost the one thing that can kill an original"

"Technically" I put it "He didn't lose it; Cami stole it. And, your witches made the deal with crazy ex"

Klaus smirks at me then points "He's got a point although I would like to know why, Freya, you are not currently still on that spell"

now auntie Freya is angry "Aurora is cloaked. Most likely by the very witch she killed. I have been working nonstop every day"

"Well, you've stopped working now, haven't you" dad says "Go on. On your way"

my eyebrow lifts "She's not a dog. And you don't talk to Rebekah like that" I jump up and take her hand

Freya gives him a look before we leave the room


Freya and I are in the cathedral with the map for the millionth time

"Let's see if the 9,000th time is the charm" Freya sighs

we latch hands to start chanting

"Cherko ils serachi. Cherko ils serachi. Cherko ils serachi"

the map bursts into flames

are you kidding me

the spindle is yanked off the wire by an invisible force and flies across the room embedding itself in the far wall where the 'Greetings from New Orleans' postcard


"Are you looking for me"

turning around it's Aurora


I wake up to see Freya still asleep

"What the fuck, Aurora?" I ask "What is with you and your brother wanting to kill me. I'm eight" my hand raises and then a wave of nausea passes over me


Freya wakes up with a big breath to glare at Aurora "What did you do to us"

she smiles "I used teh same concoction on you that my brother crafted for my...episodes. It's rather effective, wouldn't you say"

Freya stands, wobbles, and holds up her hand

"A cierta--"

nothing happens and then she collapses on the couch. Looks like this stuff affects her more then me

Aurora giggles "Oh...poor dear. To think, we could've been sisters. I could've been Samael's new mom" did she just say that "Unfortunately, I've spent enough time with witches to know that casting spells requires focus, and focus requires clarity of mind, something you don't currently have, neither of you have"

Freya stands again and glares

"My brothers will come for us"

Aurora giggles again "That's good. 'Cause that's precisely what I'm counting on" then walks over to the table and picks up a gun pointing it at Freya and then me "The only question is...Will you still be alive when they get here"

then she fucking SHOOTS US BOTH


I've been buried alive.....wasn't this how Freya is suppose to die? Is this happening because I didn't die in the water? The blood is rushing down my arm from my shoulder. I've almost died to many times for an eight year old. It's like they want me to be a Hybrid.....

the coffin all of a sudden opens to see dad with Freya on his shoulder. He picks me up and throws me over his other shoulder. Then we vamp speed to where we burst into a cabin

"Stop this" dad growls

"Why?" Aurora asks "One brother's life to end another's torment? It's almost poetic"

"The bullets...they're white okay, Niklaus" Elijah says

dad growls again

I'm still leaning against dad and Freya against the door

"We both know you're not going to pull the trigger"

"Yet again, you're wrong" Aurora says then pulls the fucking trigger

I dive in front of Elijah taking yet another bullet in my stomach allowing me to collapse on the floor

dad leans down "Now, why did you do that. You don't even like Elijah"

blood comes out of my mouth "You do and I love you"

he freezes "I love you too, Samael"

"You need to find, Aurora" Elijah says picking me up "Don't worry; I have these two"

we speed to the compound

Elijah bites his hand

"You are not putting your blood in my mouth" I say "Just take the bullets out and I'll heal myself"

Freya takes his blood "Go help, Niklaus and I'll worry about him"


Freya helps me walk into the study where dad is chiseling a piece of wood

"Practicing your torture techniques, Niklaus" Freya asks

he looks up "Clearing my mind. Some children cuddle with a blanket. My youngest loves her chess piece. And the oldest is to stubborn to let anyone heal him"

I shrug "I'm almost healed; I don't need anyone's blood in my mouth. I could get HIV or something"

Freya smiles down at me "You both are full of surprises"

dad sits down the wood on the table

"You're surprised I came for you....just as Sam was before you"

he takes Freya's shoulder and squeezes "You are my sister, Freya. And you are part of this family-- always and forever"

Elijah enters the room smiling

"Do you know...I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I wholeheartedly agree with Niklaus"

he pours the adults drinks

"So..." Freya says "What's going to be our next move? Aurora has more white oak, and she's not gonna stay quiet for long"

"Aurora's not the only problem" Elijah says walking over

"Yes, it seems there's no shortage of those who would stand against our family" dad says

I smirk "Let them all fall"

dad puts his arm around me and kisses my head "Exactly"

they raise their glasses

I'm your kid too, father Where stories live. Discover now