Chapter 29 Pandemic

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LatashaBrunson1 Thanks for adding me to your chocolate reading list!

Sweat, swabs, shields, masks and so on. This has become a part of my normal routine.

In no time, like in two days we got our first case in LA. To our luck, it was our patient from our surgery department.

Good thing, we got them tested before the surgery as part of the new protocol said in the hospital meeting.

Bad for us, that made our hospital one of the three working hospitals which are taking Covid patients in.

It has been five days of being in full PPE and N95 respirator, I come to the doffing room after my 16 hours shift.

There is this procedure to be followed while doffing, but all my mind was telling me to rip out of this and get the fuck out of the hospital premise.

Thinking that I could possibly infect myself as well as the people around me clenching my teeth, I do the doffing procedure to my at most ability and in ten minutes I was sitting in my Tesla.

I put it in auto drive mode and start attending to the messages.

There are legit 20 missed calls from my mom, so I immediately call her fearing something happened to her.

She picks up in like two rings, "Emma what the hell, where were you? I am standing in front of the florist for the past one hour and you are calling me now. After I have taken the decision, that you have to take but failed to pick up my call. So your wedding color palate is going to be my taste. And before you could interrupt me, I really cannot change the color cause I told the florist, the decoration people and also the online invitations that we have sent in are also that color now."

I just didn't reply after she stopped like for two minutes.

"Emma are you talking, I can't hear you? Hello?" She screams into her phone.

I reduce the volume in the speakers and say, "Mom, I just completed my 16 hours shift in Covid ICU. I have not eaten or even drank a sip of water in that time duration. So can you please call me next time only if someone is dying or in need of assistance. Bye!"

I cut the call, cause I am sure she is basically burning up in anger right now. But I really don't care and all I need is to dive into my cozy bed and put my comfy pajamas and sleep the night away.

I get another call, surprisingly it's not my mom but my soon to be hubby.

I thought of letting it ring for a while before attending, but my stupid brain is to curious cause he never calls and only texts since the last interaction we had.

Before I could say hello, a deep voice booms in my car, making my hairs behind my neck stand up and my stomach churns,

"Emma we need to talk! If you are free come to my place. Or not?" He pauses.

"Or?" I say in the voice lower than I anticipated.

"I am coming to yours." I can hear the click sound indicating he cut the damn call onto my face before I could even reply.

Rage courses through my veins, I clench my teeth once again. God, I think I am going to loose my teeth in this rate.

I take it off auto drive and start driving away to my house. After I get in, I quickly undress and start preparing my bath. After I got it filled it to brim. I get in and slow jazz music play in the background and I soak myself completely into the tub.

My phone starts ringing and I curse at myself, cause I thought I kept it outside. Cause I knew that asswipe would be the one calling.

But before I could throw my phone out of the bathroom. I see that it's my security calling, I pick it up and he says, "Ma'am your fiancé came in, and you mom said that from now on to allow him inside without asking your permission so he should be waiting for.

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