Chapter 39-limousines

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You were freaking out, more so than usual at least, once the idea of moving was sour into your head, you were questioning everything, and just before you could've gotten someone to help too! This was probably one of the unluckiest situations you've ever been in, and trust me, your whole life was an unlucky situation, so that's saying quite a lot.

They hadn't moved anything in your room, telling you that you had a whole new one in.. Canada? Yeah, Canada, the place where people eat maple syrup, you'd only send that in an advertisement on the little tv at your work, that's literally all you knew about Canada, that they make maple syrup. The annoying little jingle stays in your head till this day. You've been standing around all day, either in the library, or in your room, or snooping around, just doing anything to get a better view on your situation, nothig  was really helping your nerves.

It was today, today was supposed to be the "big move" and you aren't prepared for it at all, whatsoever.

They had checked up on you multiple times, coming into your room to make sure you hadn't just yeeted yourself out a window, not that you could, as they are glued shut. Your mom had come in with a bowl of fruit about an hour ago, telling you that you should eat, and Axel had brought in your switch for you, he played with you for a bit, your Uncle brought in the yellow fluffy blanket from that dreadful doctors check up, it smelled nice. It was clear they were doing anything to keep you occupied and happy, it was unsettling.

Then, the dreaded announcement form your older brother, ace, came, you were just sulking in the corner of the library, rereading the same page of a book you aren't even interested in, when he walked in there and spoke, in the same monotone voice as always.

"Darling,It's time to go." You tensed up when the words left his lips, oh shiet oh shirt oh shiet oh shiet, as much as you hate this house, it's kind of completely safe because you know the place, and you know where you are (kindof)), when you move it's it's gonna restart the whole ducking process! You really don't want that. He raised a brow at you awkward stance, oddly smiling at a book... why're you reading a book about the history of dirt anyway? Not even gonna ask about that... nope

"Oh, okay. Are you sure? Cause you know, I can wait, I really can." You questioned, meeting his gaze for a moment in panic, trying to convey the general idea that you were in fact, not ready to leave just yet. It's either he didn't care, or he didn't notice , because he shook his head and just repeated "it's time to go". So with a sigh, you got up, dragging your feet against the ground, silently muttering random stuff under your breath about "how much you don't wanna do this" and just stuff like that.

When you'd actually arrived outside, for the first time in a very long time, you squinted at the apparent sunlight shining directly in your eyes, then the brother figure of yours hands clasped around your own, enveloping it completely, he pulled you into his side, you're just glad he hadn't picked you up, that would suck.

"We're traveling in that?" You questioned, staring wide eyed at the long car taht stretched super far. You haven't ridden in a car in a long time, and you haven't ridden In a fancy shmancy car ever. The (fancy car because I'm uneducated) was a shiny black, with silver linings here and there, a m ornament looking thing sat at the far front of it, the car itself raided luxurious energy, like inhaling money, that's what it felt like... was that a good explanation? Meh it's fine.

He chuckled, nodding his head and waving to the family members already in the long car that could be recognized as a "limo" or "limousine", of course you didn't Know that, you barely saw any cars nicer than a low end Toyota, let
Some some cat that probably worth more than your entire existence. Many waves back, others just stared at you, some waves and stared, no, everyone just stared either way. They had packed in the car before you came, so even if you wanted to, there wouldn't be any time to run off. It would be easy to catch you, but still a lot of hassle when it could be prevented.

"Watch your step, you'll fall" be warned as you stoped up into the car, the moment you
Peeped you head in you were just... shocked, it was just so pretty, in the "rich aunt" kindof way, like minimalistic but it also has a lot going on. Or to put it in short, luxury in its finest. You almost did trip actually, but were propped back upright by your father, who was sitting next to or. Do the doors, waiting for you to plop down next to him.

And so, it was all ready, and the drive to the airport started


" shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit" the tal officer repeated, they are gonna be so ate, they're gonna miss it and this will all b edit absolutely nothing. They don't have the help of their office anymore, so they legally aren't allowed to stop the flight, meaning if they're late, it's over, you'll be gone, and those monsters will still have you, he was dreading that. There really isn't anything worse than a case where they get so close, but still get nothing.

"Could you drive any faster? We're going grandma speed right now" the other spoke up, waving his hands about across the air in front of him, while ns Kim just made a "hey!" From the backseat, She had not been allowed to
Drive, as apparently following al traffic laws and going the appointed speed limit is too slow. It much better than whatevernofficer oikawa os doing right now, he's probably broken about 6 laws in a matter of five minutes. He's driving like a maniac.

"I'm litterally going 85 on a road that I'm not supposed to go over 60, how much more do want from me? You stupid squirrel" he hissed, slamming his foot on the breaks to stop
Himself form running over a little grandma crossing the street with a walker, he took a moment to give his comrade a stare, before stepping back on the gas. Eren looked taken aback, him? A squirrel? He's much to fancy for that, he's more of a chipmunk kinda guy.

"I do hate to interrupt your squirrels insults, but there's a shortcut right ahead, if you turn ahead to the left on honey drive, it'll save us 20 minutes... what? I had nothing better to do than stare at maps all day, don't judge me." She questioned, pointing to the right, the two gave her weird looks like "how the duck do you know that?" Before continuing to freak out over the driving.

"This better not get us lost"

And so, we have a race between two groups, one trying to board the plane, one trying to stop it... the real question... is which group you're part of.
I'm really sorry I've been a little bit inactive for little while, I went on a. Road trip with my family and I haven't had time to myself for quite the while, but I'm back home now and ready to post again!

Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, my dumbass decided to start this at like 10:00 and it takes me a few hours to type, so this is the work of a sleep deprived pic, so it's probably ful of errors.

(I was rereading some of this story, and I realized how crappy it is, like the plot sucks,my grammar sucks, the idea in general isn't developed enough, so some heavy editing is gonna be done when this finishes)

Anywho, have a great day today! Goodbye!

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