Chapter 12- police

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you had been talking in the library with Ace for a few hours now, he had mentioned after a few hours in the library with ace, the both of you had decided to leave and find other people to talk to. although ace wasnt the most social person himself, it would probably be good for you too start getting comfotable with the family, so he initiated the idea of leaving him to find someone else to speak to. he did not really want to leave you, but he kinda had too. it was for your own good.

" i bet we could find axel in the game room, come on lets go." ace spoke in hsi normal monotone voice,  grabbing your had again and pulling yhou to the right. you had started to notice how defenseless you were against these people, they were all like double your height, and they were a million times stronger then you, they could liotterally break you any second if they wanted to.

"who i-is axel again?" you asked in a timid tone,  tugging on his arm very slightly and looking up at him. you were walking at an incredibly fast pace compared to what you were used too, and since this man semed about 6'7, his legs were a lot longer then yours, it let him take longer strides and left you to keep up with him. at this point you had been outright panting.

"i think you met him after your nightmare last night, he has grayish hair, and his face looks feminine. ring any bells?" he described your other "brother", and  looked back at you instead of down the hallway. a spark of recognition flared in your mind, remembering the nice guy who helped you after... whatever that was. he was the guy who sat down with you and hugged you, but that's also literally everyone in this family.

"o-oh right, hes the nice one right?" you asked, not really registering what yiu had said, until after you said it. you immediately brought a hand up to your mouth and told yourself to shut the fuck up internally. of course they were all nice, to your standard at least. but this axel guy, if he is who you thought he was,  he could be considered the most "kind". he hadnt even introduced himself to you, but he wasstil very quick to help you. this whole family was nice though, but you could for sure tell there was something behind their kindness... something menacefull.

" do you not think were all nice?" he asked you, in a suprisingly calm tone. you were expecting him to start yelling or even hit you, not do that. this was kinda more scary then anger, because you dont know what would happen.

"o-oh no i-its just h-he s-seems really n-nice and m-my mind kinda w-went to that he w-was nice a-" you started rambling on, trying to clear yourself, and take the intimidating mans mind off of your slip up. your hands slightly shook as fear bubbled up iside your stomache, waiting for ace to land a blow on you.

"hold on, im sorry if i scared you darling, and i apologize if youve ever felt threatened  by any of us"he said, and pulled his arm closer around you, snaking its way around your waist. you hadnt realized that you had arrived at whatever game room ace had been talking about, until you looked ahead of you, and saw the large door again.

in your stay here you had noticed some smaller details, like how big and heavy the doors were, or how the windows werent moveable anymore, or even how they wouldnt let you go outside... jeez, this family was really fucked up.

"y/n, this is axel" ace said and pointed to the same man from this mornign, who was at the moment playing a game on a huge tv screen. he looked back and his face lit up at the sight of you standing there.

--------------------------------------------somewhere else--------------------------------------------------------------

the people you associated with were all worried for you, most of them had figured out about your home life, with the bruises you would magically get, and the fear that would come out when voices were raised. it was so hard to figure it out, multiple times they had asked you, all of them you denied and changed the subject. you hadnt been friends with many of your bosses, most of them were rude and liked to order you around as if you were a dog. the only real "friends" you made were your boss at the restaurant, and ms kim from the daycare.

the two had seen you almost everyday, you never missed even a single day of work, and you always brought b/n to the orchid preschool "home for children".

After 1 day they thought maybe you were just taking the day off, after 2 they were weary but still okay with it. but after the third day came and there was no sight of you, thats when they got really worried. eventually miss kim had found out where you worked, and went to all of the different places, asking the different people if they have seen you recently.

all of them had said no, until she met your resturaunt boss, mr. wilson,  he had apparently also been looking for you because he had been worried also. they had immediately conversed, asking as many people they could find, calling your home many times until they gave up on it.  on the fourth day, they contacted the police,

"i would like to make a report for a missing person." ms kim spoke to the front desk manager, pushing out a photo she took with you about 3 months ago. mr. wilson had been standing near the front door, waiting to go put out missing posters.

"name?" the attendant spoke in a bored voice. motioning towards the photo.

"y/n l/n, she went missing a few days ago, and weve tried to contact her home a few time. none of the times she has picked up, her 2-year-old brother b/n goes to my preschool. i think somethings happened to her." she spoke out, with worry in her voice. in the 5 years shed known you,  she  had started to consider herself a true mother figure for you. youd only been letting b/n come to her for 2 years, before that it was just a 13 year old looking for a job and someone to love her. ms kim and mr. wilson obliged.

"ok then, well see what we can do, if we cant find anything after a few days, well set you up with a team of special officers. we rarely get many missing persons reports, come back here in 3 days if you dont find anything yourslf, eave the rest to us." the attendant said, typing slowly into her computer.


"So they're looking for her? Can't let that interfere"


Hey! I finally made a calendar for when I update stories, so now I won't be scrambling to finish one because I forgot about it.

Officially this book will be updated every other day. :)

I originally had this chapter completely different, but then I hated it, so I rewrote it. And now I like it much more.

Most of the focus will be on you, but just know that some fragments of this story will be the "investigation" in the missing person.

Sorry for any framer or spelling mistakes, before I go I have a question, what do you think is gonna happen in this story, I need some ideas!!

Have a glorious day today!!! Byyeeee!


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