Chapter 6- dont you dare

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Your "father" shushed you after he heard that, bringing his hands to your shoulders and squeezing tight, tight enough to make you wince, considering he had touched a bruise and was pressing on it. Hearing that evangeline sent him a small glare and his eyes widened as he released the pressure on your arms.

"Oh honey I know it's hard to understand, but it's the truth I promise" evangeline spoke to you in a soothing manor, silently begging the lord to let you believe her. While she continued to carted the side of your head, kinda petting you in a way.

"Im not going to stay here, my family is probably looking for me" you lied straight through your teeth, while your father quirked you an eyebrow. He knew you were lying, he didn't like it much.

"You mean the family that abuses you? The one that neglects you and the little brat? The one who we saved YOU from?"he spoke to you, on the verge of yelling as you brought your hands in front of your face, waiting for impact to come. It never did though, evangeline was just about going to smack her husband, she couldn't do that though.

"A-ag sorry" you muttered, shying away from the mans hold. Why were you even apologizing to him? He was the one who kidnapped to you, but you guessed he was nice even just a little bit, and he hadn't hit you so that was nice.

"Oh I'm sorry sugar I didn't mean to scare you,  if you want we can get the br- b/n, and he can stay here with you? Is that okay sugarplum?" He asked to you, silently cursing himself for caving in so fast. He really didn't want the brat around, he was half expecting ace to kill him when he had the chance.

"R-really?? Yes please!" You exclaimed,  you couldn't leave b/n with your father.  He would die. Your mother smiled at your adorable curiouse face, but was internally screaming at the fact that your fake little brat of a brother was going to have to be here.

"Cmon honey let's go meet the rest of your family, if any of them make you uncomfortable, just call your mother."  She said and grabbed your hand to pull you out of the mans grasp.

The men and women in the other side of the door all scrambled to get out of the way, and go back into the security room where they could watch your every move. They watched as your form was pulled along by evangeline, Aaron traveling close behind.

"Damien! Honey can you come here?" Your "mother" exclaimed, and the voice was heard through the screens. As Damien or your "brother" smirked at the others. He was gonna get to see you first.

Ignoring the glares literally every human in the room gave him, he sat up out of his chair, and passed by his youngest brother who looked like he wanted to kill him right at the moment.

"Ha, guess who she'll love more" he teased, and watched the brother go a fiery red in rage, about to attack Damien, he swiftly left the room, and went up the stairs to your room.

He saw his father running directly at him, and paused for the moment, when his father stopped he stopped also.

"Some things to know, she gets scared easily, so don't yell or show any indication of hurting her. We almost had to sedate her just now to stop the panic, so be careful" Aaron spoke, giving him the "I will actually murder you if you don't listen" look.

"I would never hurt her, kinda rude of you to suggest I would." He said and walked away, until he heard your small breaths, panting in me out from the constant pulling through different hallways.

"Ah Damien, y/n this is Damien, your older brother. He's going to show you around the house" she said, and let go of your hand, but not before giving the other to the tall 6'7 man.

He grabbed it lightly, making sure not to hurt the tiny little bones in your fingers. He then was surprised when you squeezed back a little bit, he looked at your face and it was clear that the notion was unintentional, but he took it too heart. And still found it adorable.

He walked through the house and showed you many things, you took note of the maze like hallways, and made little markings in your head to know where to go when you escape.. not that you would even remember any of them later, it was just nice to now you at least had some knowledge right now, out of this whole confusing mess.

"And here is where I sleep, I bet the others will show you their rooms when the time comes, but for now we can stay in here. All you need to really know is that you can't go in the basement, and you can't escape, that all". He explained to you, and widening his muscular arms out around the room.

It was a dark navy room with black linings framing the room, the entire room looked expensive. You didn't think you could touch anything, what you had noticed though, was the excessively large window on one wall. This one happened to have a latch, and you hoped that maybe it could be opened, unlike the one in your room.

"U-uh your rooms really pretty" you murmured in a soft voice, almost inaudible but he somehow heard it. You had been slowly inching towards the window, hoping he wouldn't notice.

He did

He had always been the observant one out of the Evangeline-Aaron generation. So taking in small little details, he had already noticed your change in the way you moved once you walked in the room. And he certainly noticed when you got way to close for comfort to the window.

You weren't used to people paying attention to you, so in this kinda situation, you were pretty much doomed. You had been way to focused on  getting near the window, you hadn't noticed your "older brother" getting closer to you.

"You like my room? I you know where it is now so If you ever get scared. Just come to me okay" he remained soft with you, and watched as you unlatched the handle and tried to put your plan in action. Swiveling around and pushing the window open, and would you look at that it opened all the way this time!

You hadn't noticed the male had grabbed a hold of the back of your shirt.  As you got ready for a second without hesitation you started to climb out of the window.

You were what, 3 stories up? A fall form this height could kill you.

"Don't you dare" he warned but it had been too late and your little feet had already swung out of the window, along with rest of your body. He pulled you back though, as I said earlier you weren't used to the attention on you, so you thought he would just ignore you getting closer.

(WeLl cLEaRly NoT)

He pulled your shirt back, ripping the back part open a little bit. Before he engulfed you in a tangle of his arms, you were fully enveloped in his build, considering you were so small it made perfect sense.

"Where do you think your going, little one"

"Where do you think your going, little one"

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Um Chile anyways so-

I'm writing this really late at night, and I don't have my glasses on so I'm straining my eyes really hard, and it's starting to hurt, I'm going to go through this chapter a little more tomorrow and fix it up a bit.

Anyways I'm going to start introducing more characters in the next few chapters, so don't get bored yet.

One question, do you wear glasses? I do :)

Hope you all have had an amazing day, byyyeeeee


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