Chapter 31 - Making Up Minds

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Ryder's POV🐯

I close my eyes bracing myself for either a slap or a punch, hoping that she would ignore Amelie and not kick me in the nuts. God knows I deserve it though after the way I have been treating her ever since I met her. But if this helps her get over me then so be it. 

What shocks me though is when I feel her arms encircle my neck and she pulls me down. I open my eyes in surprise and feel her lips on mine. I freeze for a second and stumble not expecting her to pull me down, and then I wrap both my arms around her and steady her. 

The warmth of her lips on mine makes my decision for me. My fucking heart takes over, gone is the logical reasoning, the million reasons why I shouldn't be with her. I close my eyes and kiss her back, sliding one hand on her waist to steady her and the other on the back of her neck as I move my mouth hungrily over hers. This kiss was a long time coming and I wasn't going to not give it my all. I lick and taste her lips hungry for more, and hearing her moan against my mouth I go crazy.

I kiss her with all the force I have savoring her warmth and sweetness molding our lips together, which fits perfectly with each other, like two pieces of a puzzle, when she suddenly pulls back from me. I open my eyes breathless and stare at her confused. She tilts her head back and whispers "You wanted me to live a little for myself right, so here you go, this is me living a little for myself. I think it's something you need to try out for yourself as well sometimes" She turns around and walks out of my embrace leaving me dazed as she continues to walk away leaving me there, wanting more, my mouth open just staring at her walk off without so much as a backward glance. 

I snap myself out of my daze and see everyone staring at me like I was an idiot. I clench my fists, turn around and stalk off. 

I go outside the school towards a corner where all the delinquents hang out and extend my hand out to one of them who quickly gives me smoke and a lighter when he recognizes me.  I light it up and take long puffs. Fuck I had quit this for years but right now I had no fucking clue how to deal with all these emotions that were going through me especially because they were not the ones that I was familiar with like rage, and anger. I turn around to see Colton sauntering over to me. 

I walk up to him and lean against the wall with him facing me. He wrinkles his nose at me "Coach is going to flip if he knows that you're smoking" I shrug my shoulders still dazed at what had just happened.

Colton gives me a sideways look "That was quite a show" I shake my head at him while blowing out another puff of smoke "I have no fucking clue what that was Colton, I dont know what to think or do ..." 

Colton extends his hand out and I sigh and give him smoke, he drops it to the ground and puts it out with his shoe. "Look Ryder, the girl has you wrapped around her finger" I open my mouth to protest but he gives me a silencing look

"It's not a bad thing, even if you think that no one realizes how important she is to you, that one show out there and the way that you looked at her just proved it to everyone, that your crazy about this girl, we need to protect her, and I think the best way forward is if you claim her" 

He stops to look at me and seeing that I wasn't challenging him or ignoring him for once, he continues 

"For one it will get rid of a majority of guys who want to harm her, get with her, date her and all that shit, and two the guys who dont like you will know better than to mess with her, plus if you claim her as yours, we have our boys who'll keep a lookout so we can make sure she's safe, but the most important thing is that you'll finally have someone to call your own" 

I look at Colton processing what he was saying as he continues " Ryder, your not just a friend, you're my brother, and you deserve happiness, just because of all the shit that's happened in our lives, it doesn't mean that we dont deserve happiness, or a family or someone to call our own and you - my brother deserve it more than anyone else. That girl will stick with you through it all and well all make sure that no one harms a single hair on her head. We've been through the worst shit man, maybe this is life throwing you a bone, a chance at happiness, dont fuck this up"

I nod my head at Colton "Yea, maybe it is" We stand there for a few more seconds both of us lost in thought, I know that he was thinking about all the shit that we'd been through, so I reach out and pull him in for a quick hug. As I release him I smile at him "You are a good fucking brother" 

He stares at me his face still expressionless "Yea and I'm much more sensible than you so you better listen to me" 

I smile at him "What about you, dont we need to find someone for you?"

Colton looks at me "Don't worry about me for now, go get your girl first you asshole, you have to understand that the reason I am so invested in this is also that I want to finish high school, its part of my parole agreement, and if you dont get with that girl, we are definitely going to waste all our days here with you chasing after her and she jumping you, gawd it's like one of those soaps that come on telly" 

I punch him playfully on the shoulder "Fuck off, Colton, cmon let's get to class. Don't want you going back to juvie just coz I'm being an idiot" 

I put my arm around him and we start walking towards our next class. 

As we walk I feel like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I was going to make her mine, and the mere thought of her being mine and only mine made me smile goofily. 

I see Colton stare at me with disgust "Oh fuck, you look like Bryan with your sappy  love face on, great now I have to deal with this as well" 

I laugh at him and we walk back into school together. 

What we dont notice is someone watching me from a little far hidden behind a dumpster, taking photos of me as I walk off with Colton 

The person opens a phone and sends a message to a number 

"He's got a weakness now"  

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