23: Stars in Your Eyes

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Elias couldn't lie about or avoid the fact that Roman had an oddly pretty sleeping face.

It sounded weird. He knew for sure it did, which was why he'd never say it out loud. But it was true — his features were completely relaxed, so every hard edge softened, giving extra attention to his long lashes. His bed head added to the effect.

Elias looked away and sat up before he could be caught staring. Any other time he wouldn't care — but he was pretty sure waking up to someone looking directly at you wasn't exactly ideal. In fact, it'd probably be fucking creepy. If it happened to Elias, he would for sure think so.

The morning sun was out, which he always enjoyed, so he got up to open the curtains just the slightest bit to let in that golden light. He glanced back to make sure it didn't wake Roman up (it didn't).

He dropped down into an armchair and looked at his phone. He'd gotten three texts from Mars since he last talked to her.

best daughter ever :DD -
we went to the rainforest cafe for dinner!!! it was so weird but the food was good

best daughter ever :DD -
[Sent a photo] look at this. the elephant was so creepy

best daughter ever :DD -
good morning i kept waking up throughout the night but i'm ok!! it's been v v fun (-:

dad (-: -
That elephant does look very creepy lol

dad (-: -
I'm glad you're having fun (: Don't be afraid to call if you have trouble sleeping again

Elias heard rustling and looked away from the screen to see Roman rolling over onto his back, blinking, then squinting against the light streaming in. "Good morning," Elias spoke, amused by how disoriented he seemed to be.

Roman didn't reply right away. Verbally, at least. He glanced at Elias, to the window, then promptly rolled back over to bury his face in the pillows. Elias grinned.

"Rise and shine."




Elias sighed and got up, walking over to carefully sit down on the edge of the bed. "Guess I'll go get breakfast without you then," he commented innocently, leaning back onto his hands. "Tea, maybe. I was thinking I'd look for a donut place nearby. Kinda have a sweet tooth at the moment."

There was a sniff, and Elias looked behind him to see that Roman was staring at him, still pressed against the pillow. "Don't go without me," he mumbled.

"Hmm, I don't know." Elias went to get up, but Roman latched onto his wrist. Maybe yanked a little too hard, because Elias stumbled and dropped right back down, catching himself before he could land on Roman. It would've been painful for them both.


Oh. Oh.

Elias blinked, mildly surprised by the butterflies that entered his stomach. Roman was looking up at him with those puppy dog eyes, tired, hair a mess and voice deeper than it usually was. It really wasn't a good combination after last night's revelations.

Elias cleared his throat and looked away before Roman could notice that he was becoming slightly flustered. "Uh, okay. I'll wait."

Roman let go, but their fingers still grazed against the sheets. "Thank you."

Elias nodded, biting at his bottom lip. He really, really couldn't afford these types of feelings. But he couldn't even fathom the thought of pushing Roman away. He had become far too attached. Him and the others were his friends. He hadn't been able to call anyone that in a long time.

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