11: Moonshine (2/2)

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i just wanted to give the part 2 since it's short anyway

Moonshine (2/2)

Marco found the game he was looking for, and he was very, very serious about it.

Elias had never played it before, but apparently all of them played it each time they were all over to spend time together. They called it "family bonding." Elias wondered if they were including him in that now.

"Oh, you shithead," Marco slurred, pointing an accusing finger at Felix, who had rolled a six. He ignored his drunk husband and continued on. "Hey, motherfucker, if you land on that one you gotta — you gotta say yes." He tapped his finger against the marriage box. "If you don't that means you're homophobic."

Felix snorted, pushing at his shoulder. "Shut up, you're so dramatic."

"I'm not," Marco insisted, dropping his head on Felix's shoulder. "Roll for me."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

He rolled a one. Marco started cussing.

Elias chuckled, leaning his back against the front of the sofa. They were all on the floor, surrounding the board, and Elias was pretty sure he and Felix were the only sober ones. It was amusing watching them, but he had a feeling he was going to have a big responsibility once the alcohol caught up to them.

He observed their turns and eventually scooted away to stretch out his legs. Sitting with his legs crossed made his feet fall asleep and his knees ache. Sometimes it felt like he had the body of an eighty year old man.

"Your turn."

Elias looked over at Roman, who held out a dice in his palm. He took it and rolled, watching as it flipped over to reveal three black dots. He hummed to himself and moved his piece three squares, ending up on the marriage spot Marco had been talking about.

He casted a look to Felix. "Am I supposed to do something here?"

"If you choose yes or no, you just go down the corresponding pathway," Felix explained. "That's what the game says. But, unfortunately, Marco made up his own rules."

"Yeah!" Marco shouted, grinning. "My rules... they say you hafta marry someone."

"Not literally," Felix added.

"And it has to be someone in the room."

"It doesn't," Felix corrected. "You can choose, like, a fictional charac — "

Marco shoved his hand over Felix's mouth. "They're my rules," he said firmly. "You gotta follow my rules. Felix is dumb and doesn't know shit."

Elias raised a single eyebrow. He glanced at Roman, who was already looking at him. "I'm afraid I don't have a ring," he joked. "But pretend I'm proposing."

His face turned red, and Elias had to hold back from laughing and embarrassing him further. He instead gave him an encouraging smile, holding out his hand. "Are you gonna reject me? It's okay, I'm pretty sure you're legally allowed to marry yourself. I'll do that."

The Anthonys started cackling, and Marco followed not too long after. The laughter was making Roman even more flustered as he shot glares their way, grumbling something into the rim of his cup. He had switched to water about fifteen minutes ago.

"Why are you even choosing the 'yes' option?" Roman mumbled, awkwardly placing his warm palm on top of Elias'. He looked kind of cute when he was blushing. He was able to see why that girl wanted to ask him out.

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