13: Lost in Space

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posting this solely bc someone said "i smell angst around the corner" babe ur so right, have this

Lost in Space

Mars was fuming when Elias saw her after work one day.

She stomped up to him and shoved her face against his stomach. Elias furrowed his brows, cupping the back of her head. "Everything okay?"

"No," Mars grumbled.

He tried to grab her shoulders and push her back so he could see her, but she was adamant on staying in place. He sighed quietly. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I hate guys."

"That's understandable. What happened?"

Mars abruptly pulled away and groaned loudly, dragging herself to the front door of their house. Elias followed, unlocking the door so she could get in. He watched her toss herself onto the couch like she was a sack of rocks.

"Mars, talk to me," Elias coaxed, sitting down on the edge of the coffee table. "Come on. What happened?"

"Lily's stupid boyfriend happened."

"Did he say something to you?"

"Yes!" Mars flipped over, glaring at the ceiling. "He's such an a — " She cut herself off, gritting her teeth. He could tell she was trying her hardest not to cuss.

"You can say it."

"He's such an asshole!" Mars shrieked, slapping her hands over her face. "Lily sat next to me at lunch and he got mad. He acts like she's like, his property or something! No, she has her own wants, you absolutely garbage human being. Trash."

Elias took a deep breath, taking it all in. Her face was flushed from anger, and he swore he could hear her heart beating from where he sat. "Do you know what he called me?" Mars sat up, staring at her father, eyes blazing. "And what he called her? I didn't even know what it meant, I had to look it up!"

Elias frowned. "Spell it for me."

"D-y— "

"Okay, stop there," Elias interrupted, running a hand through his hair. Now he was getting mad. "Don't ever say that word, okay? None of those kids should be using it. It's a word used to demean and dehumanize people like Lily's moms."

"I know," Mars said, gripping her knees. "I read about it. He made her cry! Lily was crying. And he didn't even seem sorry. He was completely convinced me and her were — " She made a random gesture with her hands. "Dating? Which is so stupid. Actually — no, it's not. What's stupid is the fact that they are together. I would be better than him."

She was breathing heavily at that point. "If you have more to rant about, go ahead," Elias told her. "I'm listening."

"I really, really hope she breaks up with him," Mars said, sounding desperate. "He was so annoying when he was with us at her house last weekend. I'm pretty sure her moms hate him. I can sense it. They should hate him."

Mars looked on the verge of tears. Elias' heart broke. He had seen her at far too many low points in the last few months. It pained him to witness. "What's even wrong with it?" Mars whispered, voice cracking. "I don't get it. Why do they all use it as an insult? They call each other gay like it's something bad."

"There's nothing wrong with it," Elias said, swiping his thumb across her cheek when a tear fell. "You're allowed to love whoever you want. You know that." He had raised her to be accepting. He was relieved to see she wasn't letting her peers influence her thoughts.

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