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Clem: i'm gonna talk to vanessa.

Ronan: Bro you ducking djmabss bro why like liteealy why

Aaron: Ronan and his fucking fatass fingers cant even type properly

Ronan: Fucj off

Levi: Why?

Eli: No

Clem: i'm being srs ;( u guys r cool and whatever but i miss being friends with her.

Ronan: Yur like that one white chick in a movie tha t triues to fight the killee instead of running away


Levi: Haha.

Eli: No

Ronan: Why are you so set on beeing a dunbass

Clem: stfu fugly why r u so set on being ugly

Aaron:  True

Clem: i think i actually just miss being friends with girls

Aaron: I can be a girl for you ;)))

Levi: Aaron just admitted he's a pussy.

Levi: Lol. But seriously, do what you think is right. If it doesn't go well we're here.

Ronan: No we nott

Aaron: No I'm not

Eli: Who's we?

Clem: ha ha ha so funny see how hard i'm laughing guys ur sooooooo funny

Levi: They're joking.

Ronan: Duh. Bue tell us how it goes.

Aaron: 👍🏽

Levi: Good luck.

Eli: ^

Maybe she was being a dumbass. Clementine pocketed her phone and laced up her shoes, the dry shoelaces rough against her skin. Maybe Vanessa would laugh and slam the door in her face, but there was only one way to find out. She pulled on an Yves Saint Laurent hoodie Elijah had so graciously given to her. She had actually just complimented his perfume when he was wearing the hoodie, and he had taken it off and given it to her, glaring at her when she refused.

Clem let out a deep breath and put on her game face.

Her face was smooth and expressionless as she made her way to Vanessa's dorm, which was only a couple minutes walk. See, Clem had crafted a type of expression she used whenever she was facing something scary. It was like a shield, a facade of confidence and scorn.

She practiced what she was going to say in her head, scared that it would leave her mouth through a stutter, making her look foolish and childish. Wrapped in her thoughts, she accidentally walked past Vanessa's door, sighing as she turned around and walked back.

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