Chapter 60

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We called it a night, well more like early morning, and headed back to Oliver's. We slept for as long as possible until Oliver's phone awoke us. He answered as I headed into the bathroom to take a shower. When I finished and exited the bathroom, Oliver was off the phone. He was getting dressed and I did the same.

"I'm gonna head downstairs." He said, after finishing getting dressed.

"Okay, I'll be down in a few." I smiled, and walked back into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Once I was done I headed down the hall. As I neared the stairs, I heard the front door open. Looking down I saw Tommy, Laurel and Taylor, being greeted by Diggle.

"This is Mr.Robbins. Where you go he goes. You'll be very well protected, Miss.Lance." Diggle gestured to another bodyguard.

"Thank you." Laurel smiled softly at Diggle.

"I hand selected these men myself." Diggle continued to speak as Oliver and Mrs.Queen entered the room. "The house and the grounds are completely secure."

"Please make yourself at home." Mrs.Queen smiled and walked up to Tommy, Laurel and Taylor, and she bent down to Taylor's height. "You must be Taylor. How about I show you where I hide the good cookies?"

She extended her hand to the boy and he grabbed it. They left the room. My presence was still unknown.

"Mr.Queen, whenever you and Miss.Merlyn are ready I can take you to your next appointment, sir." Diggle said, and Oliver gave him a questioning look. "The Lawton meeting?"

"Yes. I just need to swing by the club and pick up my good suit. So I'll meet you there."

"Of course, sir." Diggle left, presumably to head to our base.

"You're leaving?" Tommy questioned Oliver, once the door was closed.

"We're busy people Tommy." I broke my silence heading down the stairs, and sent a small smile at Laurel.

"There's something else we need to take care of. It's important." Oliver added.

"More important than what's going on here?" Tommy asked.

"No offense to Oliver and (Y/n), but I think we need Mr.Robbins and his men more than them." Laurel butted in, before heading to find Taylor.

"You two are the reason we're here and trust me, that wasn't easy to admit." Tommy's voice was low.

"You'll be fine. I promise." Oliver matched his tone.

Oliver and I both left soon after, and headed to our base.


"I'm uploading a satellite overview of the Plaza to your phones." Felicity said, as she typed away at the computer.

"Thanks, but we know the place-" Oliver started, but was soon cut off by Felicity.

"Dig was pretty specific about where you two should perch. You know, what position gives you the best shot at Lawtown, I think. He used a lot of military jargon. So you're sniping a sniper. Kind of ironic, don't you think?" Felicity was only met with silence. "Me neither."

"What's that?" I asked, pointing to something on the computer screen.

"I had a remote access Trojan scouring the internet for Edward Rasmus. His name just popped up on a flight manifest. 8:15 to Shanghai." Felicity answered.

"He's running." Oliver sighed.

"That's good, right? If he's leaving town, he won't be after Laurel and the child anymore. But if you did want to stop him, it looks like it's now or never. Deadshot or Rasmus, your choice."

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