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"And he is brooding."

"When he doesn't?"

Amelia and Chris sit in front of the kitchen island and give me those fucking 'sorry we disturbed your thoughts' grins. I hold back my scowl and focus on the energy drink I am making.

"No fuck off?" Chris asks me, surprised.

I say to them, "Have I ever said that I fucking hate you both?"

"Little brother has his pants in a twist," Amelia comments.

"Wait," Chris turns to her. "If he is the little brother, what am I?"

"Little...er brother." Amelia shrugs her shoulders.

I chuckle at that. "I am glad to know your vocabulary still sucks, Amee."

Amelia retorts, "And I am glad to know that you are capable of positive human emotions."

"Thanks, Amelia." I roll my eyes, pouring the drink into a glass.

"What is that?" Chris asks, looking at the glass. "It looks disgusting. I hate it."

"Oh?" I look at Chris and pass the drink. "Drink it."

Amelia crosses her arms and looks at us in amusement while Chris looks at me, shocked.

He says, "Wha—why?"

"Drink." I slide it towards him more. "If you drink the whole thing in less than 15 seconds, I will come by your band practice."

Chris's eyes snap back at me. "What did you say?"

I smile. "You heard me."

Chris and his friends have been in a band for a year but the only ones who have heard the music are them and the walls. They are really secretive about it. Even when Mum tried to get into the room to listen, Chris literally stopped her and we know better than to stop our mother. Of course, she tried to emotionally blackmail him but Chris didn't fall for that and that's why got his least favorite vegetable—beans in his dinner.

I don't know if reverse psychology works on this idiot but he invited the only person who doesn't want to know his band or even listen to their music. He has been asking me for months but I always denied it.

Until now—only if he drinks that energy drink.

"This shit just got interesting." Amelia holds up her phone. "What are you thinking, Christopher Robin Radcliffe?"

He looks down at the glass and gulps, visibly. "What does it have?"

"Oats, baby spinach, chamomile tea, tart cherry juice, banana, and almond butter."

He makes a face. "It has Spinach? Amee, you want it?"

Oh, yes. Spinach is his second least favorite vegetable.

Amelia blinks. "Did you forget I am allergic to nuts?"

"Oh god, help me." Chris looks at me. "I have your word?"

I give him a dry look. "Yes, Chris, you have my word."

Chris holds the glass and Amelia gets excited but when—

"Noah Arthur Radcliffe."

Everything stops.

Three of us look at our Mum who is only staring at me. She looks at the glass in Chris's hand and looks back at me. She starts moving towards, speaking in rapid Italian.

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