Chapter 8- Spa Day

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A/N: Nothin to say. Enjoy the chap.

Lucy POV:

I woke up to a nagging headache and an arm around my waist. The memories flooded back and I groaned. Alessandro must've already been awake because he chuckled before he started rubbing my stomach.

I started scooting myself over to the side of the bed to go brush my teeth. Alessandro caught on and tried to pull me back in, but I was quicker and ran to the bathroom locking the door behind me.

I brushed my teeth quickly before walking out of the bathroom. Mid walk back to his bed I remembered I didn't have pants or underwear on. I could feel Alessandro's eyes on me.

I quickly walked to the door opening it and shutting it so he couldn't stop me.

I walked down the hallway and a few maids passed me. I was thankful for the fact that Alessandro's shirt fit me like a dress going down to just about my knees.

I entered my room and made my way over to the bathroom to shower.

I was dying in self-hatred at what I did last night. I mean for god's sake I rode his thigh...HIS FUCKING THIGH. At least we didn't have sex. I stopped myself mid-thought at the fact that I wasn't disgusted with what I did. Good for me...

5 minutes later I was done showering and turned the shower off wrapping myself in a towel as I got out. I dried myself off and put on some lazy clothes.

I walked over to Nathaniel's room and knocked on the door. No response. I knocked again, and no response. I shrugged and walked in finding him asleep snoring with slobber coming out of his mouth.

I giggled before jumping on the bed and screaming "wake up!" In a not-so-quiet voice.

He groaned and said, "Ugh fuck off will you." in a sleepy voice before turning over in his bed and starting to slightly snore again.

I checked the time on his alarm clock and it was 11 before walking over to his desk and writing him a note. "You were being an ass so I left the room, come to my room when you wake up. Let's make plans for today I'm so bored!"

I picked up the note and put it on his bathroom counter so he would see it. I smiled to myself before walking out of the room.

Walking back into my room I sat down on the bed and tried to think of fun plans. Omg, why did I not think of this before a spa day! I went to go pick out a cute outfit when Nathaniel walked in.

He walked into the closet and said, "Hey party girl, how's your head?", with a smirk.

I gave him a mock smile before saying, "We're having a spa day go get ready."

"Should I dress comfy?", he said looking at my outfit.

"Actually, I was just about to change into something cute but laid back", I said in a chirpy tone.

I could see an idea working its way through his mind. "How about a shopping trip with a massage and mani-pedis after?"

"Are you gay?", I said before I could stop myself I looked down and felt heat creeping up my face. "Is it that obvious?", he asked with a chuckle.

"I mean you did just ask to go get mani-pedis so I'd say that if you weren't gay you would have to be at least spicy straight.", I said giggling.

"Very true, but what do you think about shopping beforehand?", he said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes let's do it, but now for outfits, I'm thinking I'll wear a light green skirt and a white crop top.", I said forming the outfit in my head.

"Ok, I'll match it with green pants and a white t-shirt. How does that sound?", he said.

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