Chapter 2- The Auction

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Song:  Apocalypse- Cigarettes After Sex

Lucy woke up feeling hungry and even after what she could tell was a long nap felt sleep deprived. She heard a clang from the metal door as the same guard from yesterday stepped through the door on the other side of the hallway. He walked through and stopped from what Lucy could see almost every single cell door and collected the women and girls. He came to Lucy's cell door, and told her to "get up and follow behind the women". Lucy stood up and fell into line as the guard was finishing up getting all the females out of their cells and in line. A few more women and girls went and stood behind Lucy as the guard opened the door at the side of the hallway on the opposite side of the one he came through. Lucy proceeded to follow behind the rest of the people in line and went down a different hallway then yesterday until they reached a big red door.

The guard opened the door and motioned everyone through shutting the door as the last women came through. Lucy started looking around the small room and noticed a big shelf with what looked like a drawer with the names of females assigned to each drawer. Lucy saw her name on one of the drawers and walked over to it, and opened it revealing a piece of paper surrounded by what looked like cheap makeup and hair supplies. Lucy noticed the other women opening their assigned drawers too. Lucy read the paper which was directing her to strip and place her clothes in the drawer. Lucy kept reading and realized that they were supposed to be getting ready for the auction. The paper said to be ready by 5:30; she looked up at the big analog clock which read 12:45. "Wow" Lucy said accidentally out loud thinking of how much time they had. She kept reading and was told by the paper to shower, do her hair in a simple style and leave it natural, do natural makeup, and at 5:30 she should start waiting to be called.

Lucy made her way to where the other women and girls were going to shower after she stripped and put her clothes away. She made her way into a big communal shower where she realized there were cameras. Lucy thought to herself how perverted this was for them to be watching them shower, but Lucy complied and plainly washed her hair and body before walking out to the towel rack and quickly getting drying off. She was going to go put her clothes back on, before she realized that the other women weren't getting dressed again meaning that they were supposed to remain naked. Lucy's face reddened a bit before she went and started combing her hair quickly, before going to stand in line for the mirror while holding the few makeup products they gave her.

When she got through the line of about 5 women she sat in the chair in front of the mirror and set down the mascara, blush, lip gloss, dark blonde eyebrow pen that they gave her next to the shared eyelash curler and spooly. She quickly got to work curling her lashes, doing a light layer of mascara, lightly filling in her light blonde eyebrows, using the spooley to get out any clumps in her lashes, and avoided using the blush since she knew she would get flushed anyways. She quickly finished up by putting a thick layer of the lip gloss that reminded her of the one she used back at college. This saddened her knowing she probably wouldn't be going back to her dorm. She got up and went to go dry her hair. After she thought she probably looked acceptable she went and sat down on the bench next to the other females. Lucy looked up at the time and was shocked to see that it was already 5:15. With the 15 minutes she had left she counted the women and girls and came to the conclusion that there were 18 females there with her.

At 5:30 a different guard walked through the same red door that they came though and started calling women. He instructed them to follow a different guard to the auction. Lucy's name was called and she got up and followed as instructed. She walked down a narrow hallway until they reached what looked like a stage room that actors go behind before a play. They were sat down in chair and given a simple thong and bra that left just enough for the imagination. The women hurriedly put on the under garments. The guard instructed them to stand up and put there arms behind there backs. Lucy not expecting to be bound gasped a little as another man came behind all the women and tied the wrists together.

Lucy and the rest of the females stood there in little clothing with their wrists tied waiting for there name to be called by the auctioneer. Lucy watched as most of the women were called, not being able to hear or see past the door that she assumed led to the the stage were the auction was being held.

Lucy snapped out of her trance as she heard her name being called. She walked through the stage door and was placed in a line of around 4 women waiting to be called on to stage. Lucy was scared of what was to come as she waited for the auctioneer to announce her on to stage like a stupid object for sale. When the time came she could feel her cheeks heating as she walked up on stage and everyone's gaze fell on her and her naked body. The auctioneer announced that she was a virgin and had a note on her examination papers that she was very tight earning a few chuckles from the crowd, as well as an intense stare from a handsome man out in the crowd. The auctioneer gave a wicked smile to her and began the bidding. Lucy felt embarrassingly proud for being sold for such a high amount even though she knew that the only reason she was being sold for so high was so some pussy deprived man could take her virginity from her, and that scared her the most.

Lucy heard then numbers keep going higher not even paying attention to the men raising there hands. Eventually she heard the words sold come from the auctioneer and looked out in to the big crowd to see the same handsome man from earlier standing with his hand slowly lowering with a smirk on his face that sent chills down my back.

She was grabbed by a guard and pulled into a small room, untied, and led out of the small room to the handsome man, who she realized was even more handsome in person. All feelings of admiration disappeared when she realized again that she had been sold and was bought by this man to which she would probably be taken by and used as a sex slave.

The man nodded at the guard and the guard released me into the hands of the man who would now be my "owner".


Short chapter but wanted to publish it before going to sleep

Its 3:10, what time is it where yall are?

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