Chapter 3- Velvet

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Quick A/N: Sorry for not updating sooner I was in a little bit of a writers block, because I had an essay to write as hw today which took the energy I had saved for this away, but finally at 2 am I finished. This chapter is nearly 2000 words and wasn't as long as I had hoped but I have been writing for 4 hours and wanted to update... please vote and follow and remember to add this story to your library if you like it. Without further adieu I present Velvet.

Song: Sadder daze- The Neighborhood

Alessandro pov:

As she stood there in front of the me I smirked and looked her up and down while motioning the guard to put her in the car. The guard grabbed her and followed me out. I sat down in the back of the car with her and told the driver to take us home. She looked nervous and ashamed to be in what she was wearing. On the drive home I kept noticing the way she would wrap her arms around her stomach like she was guarding it. I wondered why I had bought her after months of just going for fun to watch all the women come and go. As we pulled into the long driveway her gaze was pulled to the big white house that had men surrounding it with guns. She continued to gawk until I opened the door and told her to follow me.

I took her through the basement door to introduce her to my men. She followed timidly behind me and cowered whenever she felt the gaze of any of my men on her. Usually when I brought home a woman like this I would let my men have fun with her for a while, but something about Lucy was different. I told her she would be staying in a cell for a temporary period and I would have a few of my men come down to bring her food, clothes, and a few bedding items.

I left to walk upstairs. I was a busy man and had lots of work to get done before I could go introduce myself.

At 6:15 I decided to take a break and go check on her and introduce myself. I started walking down to the basement locking my office door behind me. I heard a scream when I was at the top of the basement stairs and ran downstairs quickly. I ran around the corner and looked into her cell to see 3 of my men holding her down trying to rape her already having all her clothes off and busy taking off there own while still trying to manage to hold her down and groping her. She was crying and telling them to stop and begging for them to let her go. I felt anger rush through my body as I lost it and slammed the door and she told them through tears how she was a virgin saying "p-please, I'm still a virgin, I'll do a-a-anything else, p-please." As soon as the door slammed open all the men released their hold on her and pulled their pants up. I could tell I was fuming and shot all them in the head without even blinking. I ran to Lucy wrapping her in one of the blankets that had been brought to her while cradling her and sitting down on the floor pushing her head into my chest. I wondered why Lucy was different as I had always let my men do this to all the other whores I brought home, but then again Lucy wasn't a whore she was a pure dove.

I sat there for what felt like hours as she sobbed, and sobbed until she fell asleep in my arms. Wondering what I should do with her I carried her upstairs and told one of the men at the top of the stairs to clean up the mess. I carried her to the guest room next to my room. I layed her in the velvety burgundy sheets, locked the door from the outside, and left back to my office thinking over all the events of today.

I hated my father for making me turn out the way he is, cold, heartless, and for breaking my mother who was so full of life and love. He had always thought that he would grow up to be the same heartless man he had been, but he started seeing the cold barrier around his heart cracking when Lucy showed up.

Lucy pov:

I woke up feeling the softness of what felt like velvet, but soon after I remembered the events of yesterday and the warmness and comfort I had felt slithered into oblivion. I layed in bed thinking for what felt like an hour before I got up to go to the bathroom to at least try and wash off anything that I thought had been touched by

After showering in the white marble bathroom that I gawked at I quickly brushed through my hair getting out my grandmother always called angles instead of tangles. My heart sunk as I realized I would never feel the comfort of one of her hugs again. Remembering where I was and that i was in a towel, I sped back into my room and located the close which had only a few items in it. I picked up a grey t-shirt and dull gray sweatpants. I changed and went back to bed.

As soon as the comfort of the bed entered me it hurriedly left when I heard the lock of the door being unlocked soon followed by the sound of the door opening. Turning around in bed I looked to see a stern faced Alessandro's eyes looking at me and then dropping to the towel on the floor.

Alessandro looked at me again and a devilish smirk grew on his face making a chill run down my spine. He said to me "strip". My eyes grew wide and I said "w-what". "Don't make me ask again Lucy," he said, anger rising in his voice. I slowly moved out from under the covers and onto the bare hardwood floors slowly stripping, remembering how I didn't have any undergarments on and I felt my cheeks redden. His eyes sweeped my body before he moved closer and put his icy ring covered hand on my thoughts. "Look at you being the little whore you are , and already having your panties and bra off". I swallowed hard, before gasping for the air his hands were depriving me of. His hand moved down my body lingering a moment on my nipple before he reached the top of my core. "P-please stop", I stuttered. He didn't listen but instead without hesitating he shoved 2 fingers inside of me while rubbing fast hard circles on my clit, making my legs collapse from under me and making me gasp and moan from the pleasure of being touched like this for the first time. "PLEASE STOP I CAN'T TAKE IT, IT'S TOO MUCH!", I screamed from the pleasure. He was already holding my legs up since they decided to betray me. I didn't even feel it coming before a spine shattering orgasm ripped through my body making me go stiff and scream at the top of my lungs. He took his hands out from under my legs making me fall to the floor with my legs shaking and tears streaming down my rosy cheeks. He chuckled before picking me up and laying me down on the bed roughly. His hands moved back down as my legs were just beginning to slowly stop shaking. "Please it's too-sensitive I can't do it please", I begged but he didn't listen as he began pumping his fingers again while his other hand held me to the bed by my neck. I started sobbing between gasps and moans. I quickly finished and began twitching from the overstimulation. "Such a good slut you've been for me, I might even come finish the job later if you're good the rest of the day my dove", he said teasingly. I tried to run to the bathroom but fell to the floor, my legs giving out. "Don't run from me Lucy", he said sadistically. I began sobbing again and crawling to the bathroom. He picked me up bridal style and cradled my head while walking to the bathroom.

Filling up the bath water quickly he placed me in it and put what looked like the stuff you put in the bath to bubble. He knew how scared I was of him and he preyed on that like a predator. He snatched up a bottle of shampoo and began rubbing it through my roots and twisting my hair up to form a shampoo bun which I very softly giggled at. He told me to wash my body, handing me a bar of soap and a sponge. When I nodded my head, handing him the soap and sponge back letting him know that I had finished washing my body he began rinsing the shampoo out before telling me how I must be tired and that the conditioner can be done tomorrow. I nodded mostly in thanks because even though it must only be 2 or 3 in the afternoon I was already exhausted.

He lifted me back up and dried me off with soft fuzzy towels. He looked down at his soaked black suit and with a scowl told me to stay here and wait for him to change. "Okay", I said softly before standing there, my hair dripping on the marble floor. He quickly returned in gray sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt. He ran a comb through my hair and began to dry it with a towel before braiding it down my back. I felt a warm fuzzy feeling crawl up my stomach, which I knew was wrong but I couldn't help it. He lifted me to the closet and pulled out loose grey flannel pants combined with a white tank top that had the thick straps. I quickly changed and went to lay down. He tucked me in and said he was going to go get me food. I nodded before pulling the burgundy duvet up to my chest and leaning back into the heavenly pillows.

He returned what I think was around 10 minutes later with a hamburger, fries, a cookie and cream milkshake and what looked to be water with a lime on the side. "Eat up my dove", he said before leaving me with the food. I mustered up a thank you right before he closed the door which he nodded at. I was quickly only realizing how hungry I was from everything that had happened and having not had a proper meal in forever. Once I was done I was stuffed and I didn't regret eating but there was always a guilty conscience in the back of my mind whenever I ate something. I quickly got up to go examine my body in the mirror. I looked at my body and decided that if a mafia man who was as handsome as Ian Somerhalder would like my tummy then so could I and triumphantly went to go lay back down falling into a deep slumber.

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