chapter fifteen

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Jaymie's pov

After I was a big girl at the doctor, mommy told me I get to have ice cream! I was so excited and I was gonna have chocolate! Or strawberry! I was sitting in the car, but mommy kept getting mad because I was so excited so I wouldn't stop moving.

"Sit still, angel," mommy said, placing her hand on my leg.

"I can't mommy! I too ecsited! I get chocwet or probaby stawbewy," I told her. It was important information to know.

"Is that so?" She asked me. I nodded eagerly.

"Mhm, dat is so, mommy," I giggled, copying her. She laughed at my eagerness.

"Okay, baby, but you still have to sit still until we get there."

"But- but," I tried to protest before she cut me off with a lit tap to my leg.

"No buts, sit still," She said sternly. It was in her mommy voice, so I knew that I needed to listen, even if I wasn't happy about it.

"Fine," I pouted, plopping back down on my bum and crossing my arms. I gasped. "Mommy!"

"What? What happened? What's wrong?" She said frantically trying to look over at me as best as she could while still driving. I giggled, as she sighed a breath of relief. "Don't scare me like that, bubs." She said, placing a hand over her heart.

"Sowwy," I said while I was still laughing. She looked over at me and rolled her eyes playfully.

"What did you want to say, baby?" She asked, jogging my memory.

"Oh weah, wat favure ou gonna get?" I asked her, staring up and her. She was so pretty. "Mommy, ou so pwetty," I told her. I liked seeing her smile. She laughed, I don't know why but it was probably because of something I said.

"I don't know, JJ, maybe something sweet. Just. like. you." She said laughing and she booped my nose after each word. I giggled and looked up, realising we were already here.

Mommy unbuckled herself and shut her door, I got scared thinking she was going to leave me, but soon enough, she made her way to my door, opening it and unbuckling my seatbelt for me. I smiled, hopping out and grabbing her hand with a smile. I swung it back and forth, dragging her to the store. I was so excited!

Ryan's pov

I watched as Jaymie ran straight to the front of the store straight to the case where the ice cream was kept. She seemed to marvel at all of the flavours. It was quite frankly the cutest thing I had ever seen.

"Jaymie, slow down babes" I reminded her since she was practically bouncing off the walls. She seemed like she was feeling much better now.

"Sowwy mommy!" She called back to me. My eyes widened as I looked around the shop. There was an elderly couple towards the back, but they either didn't hear or they decided it wasn't their business, which I appreciated. Other than that, there was only the worker at the front. Her brown hair was in a tight ponytail and she wore a red apron with a name tag that read Hello! My name is Joss, but she didn't seem too bothered by it. In fact, she was beaming at us. She seemed nice, but I was still worried about what people would think. She seemed to have been able to read my mind because she turned to me to start up a conversation.

"Don't worry, I don't judge." She reassured me. "I actually have a little myself,"

"Oh? That's amazing!" I said.

"Yeah," she smiled to herself. "He's the love of my life, I'm so lucky to have him." I smiled at the way she talked about her partner. It was nice to see someone talk so fondly about their significant other, it made me more optimistic about being with Jaymie. "And I can tell you feel the same way about your little one there," she said, pointing to Jay. "Cherish it, love like that isn't easy to come by." I smiled, blushing a bit.

"How long have you and your partner been together?" I inquired, curious since just the thought of him, she seemed to smile as if he hung the moon and stars himself.

"Almost two years." She bit her lip, holding back a smile. "How about you two?" Not knowing what to say since we weren't 'together' together, I shrugged, looking over at Jaymie. She was admiring all of the flavours and practically drooling over them, it was adorable and quite endearing to watch. I turned back to Joss.

"Not long," I finally decided. She smiled at me, seeming to understand.

"Well, cherish it. Anything you can get, cherish it because having someone trust you as much as they do is, well it's one of the most special things anyone could get."

At this point, Jaymie had come over and joined us, telling me what she would like. I ordered a small chocolate cone for her, and a mint chip one for me. The look on her face when I handed her the cone was priceless and one to die for. It was a look of pure happiness and excitement, one not everyone gets. She hugged me, thanking me over and over again for her special treat.

When I pulled out my wallet to pay, Joss waved me away saying this one was on her, along with handing me her number saying she would love to get together and let Jaymie and her little meetup, to have a playdate. Of course, I agreed, thinking this was a wonderful idea. I thanked her profusely, before grabbing a handful of napkins and brought Jaymie over to the table where she could sit down and enjoy her frozen treat.


That night when we got home, I kept thinking about Joss and how wonderful of a person and friend she seemed to be. I'm sure I could learn a lot from her, and I'm sure Jaymie would have so much fun with a fellow little playmate. Maybe tomorrow I'd talk to her and introduce the idea a bit, but for now, I'd spend the evening cherishing time with my girl. She was everything and I wanted to be more, I wanted to be together, little and big, but for now, this will do. I couldn't risk what we had, so for now I was happy just having her in this way. I love her. That isn't going to change, so for now, this is what I have. I love her, and I'm happy.

I crawled up into the bed, pulling Jaymie into my arms. We spent the rest of the night cuddling, talking about silly things, and watching Disney movies. It's nights like these that I'll hold onto for forever. They were everything I ever wanted, and just like Joss said, I'm never going to let them go.  

A/N: Here's chapter fifteen!! I hope you are enjoying the story so far! As always, comment, vote, and feel free to share! And suggestions and feedback will be welcomed! Thank you for reading :) Enjoy xx

Question of the day! What is your favourite drink? Mine is monster or the watermelon flavoured mountain dew, but I like water too! DRINK YOUR WATER GUYS!!

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