chapter nine

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Ryan's pov

"Ry Ry," Jaymie said, poking my shoulder. I was driving and she had called shotgun, leaving the others to either take their car or ride in the back. I didn't have much room, so Sadie joined us while Bee and Avery took their own car.

"What's up buttercup?" I asked, making her giggle.

"I'm bored," she said, drawing out the 'o' and tugging on my sleeve. "Can I put on some music?" When I made a noncommittal grunt, she gave me her best puppy dog eyes. "Pwease mommy!" She pleaded. My eyes went wide and flew back to see if Sadie had heard, but she had been looking at her phone and gave no reaction, so I could only assume she was too engrossed in whatever she was doing to notice Jaymie's little slip-up. I sighed.

"Fine," I whispered, "but you have to stay quiet, and I'm sorry babe, but you've got to stay big." She pouted, her bottom lip jutting out, but nodded.

"Okay," she replied sadly. I handed her my phone. "Thank you," she whispered. I nodded in acknowledgement.


"So what's up with Jaymie?" Sadie asked out of the blue. I gave her a panicked look, she seemed to not realise Jay was right there. "Oh calm down, she's asleep." I looked over and sure enough, Jaymie was half-asleep and curled up against the window. "So what's up with her?"

"I, I don't know what you mean," I lied. Sadie sighed.

"Look, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but is she okay? That's all I need to know." I smiled. I liked that Sadie and I could have meaningful conversations. I can't exactly do that with the other two idiots. I mean don't get me wrong I love them to death, but they don't necessarily take everything super seriously.

"I don't want to tell you anything I shouldn't, but I can tell you that she's doing well. She's getting better, and I'm doing whatever I can to help her."

"Good." She nodded. "I'm glad you're helping her, whatever it is that you're doing. I'm glad you're doing it." I didn't really know what else to say, so I just smiled and nodded continuing to drive.


We still had about twenty minutes to go when Jaymie started to stir. It was just past half ten and I was eager to get out of the car and stretch my legs. I reached one hand over to comb my fingers through her hair. She blinked up at me and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Are we there?" She asked, yawning. I shook my head, turning my eyes back onto the road.

"Not yet, love. We're about twenty minutes out." She nodded, cuddling back up against the window.

"Okay," she yawned, shutting her eyes again. "Wake me up when we get there,"

"Yes, ma'am," I said, making her release a soft giggle.

Soon enough, we arrived at the beach. The sun was fully out but there was a slight wind, so it wasn't too hot. The sun was reflecting off of the water, making it glisten beautifully. It was a perfect day. I parked the car and hopped out, walking to Jaymie's side. I shook her gently, trying to coax her to consciousness.

"JJ," I shook her, combing through her hair with my fingers. "Angel, it's time to wake up baby." She stirred a bit, so I continued to whisper in her ear. "Jay, we're here. Don't you want to go swimming?" Her eyes snapped open almost comically fast.

"Swimming?" She asked, her voice light and high pitched. I laughed, nodding.

"Yes, babe, swimming. Let's go get out stuff and the others okay?" She grinned.

"Okay!" She sat up quickly, rushing out of her seatbelt in an attempt to get to the water quicker. Sadie had already made her way out of the car to meet up with the others.

"Not so fast, missy." I stopped her. She pouted.

"Why!" She complained, stomping her foot when I pulled her back from running away. I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Be good." I said my voice firm. She scowled at me with a pout, her bottom lip jutting out. "Hey, I just want you to put sunscreen on so you don't get burnt. Lose the pout," I warned. I held the bottle out to her, keeping one eyebrow raised and my head tilted to the side. She continued her glaring but eventually gave up, sighing and grabbing the bottle from me.

"Fine." She crossed her arms, grunting. I smiled, feeling satisfied I had one this one. I kissed her on the cheek, and she scowled at me again.

"C'mon, babes. I just don't want you to get hurt. I'm sorry, can we forget about you being upset with me now and have a good day?" I could tell she was holding back a smile, so I gave her another quick kiss on the cheek, making her lose the scowl completely and smile wide, giggling. "Can we have a good day then?" I asked again. She rolled her eyes but continued to smile.

"Fine, you dork," she laughed. "Let's go." 

A/N: Here's chapter nine! How are you all liking it so far? Please leave comments for suggestions, feedback, and anything specific you'd like to see. I would love your feedback!! Enjoy xx

Question of the day! How are you today? I really hope you are doing well x I have had a really long day, but I got another chapter up which is good :)

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