chapter ten

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Jaymie's pov

"Sunscreen, Jaymie," Ryan warned again when I tried to run off again. I didn't understand why she wouldn't just let me go! I wanted to play in the water and build and sand-castle, but she was being a meanie butt. It wasn't very nice of her if you ask me. I just scoffed.

"Fine." I said, frowning with a small scowl. She gave me a daring look as if to say 'don't test me' and well, it was scary, so I shut my mouth and instantly walked over to her letting her apply sunscreen to me. She just wanted what was best for me, I couldn't blame her for that.

After what seemed like forever, but was probably only about five minutes, she had finally finished.

"Okay, you can go now," she said, wiping her hands off on the striped towel that was beside her. She laid down on the sand placing her sunnies over her eyes. She looked absolutely amazing. Her skin was dark and glowing from the sun, and her bathing suit was hugging her in all the right places. She wore white high-waisted bottoms and a white crop top that was tied in the front. She was absolutely gorgeous and it made me positively want to melt. I didn't even realise that I was still staring until she cleared her throat, my eyes widened as I looked up. I hoped she hadn't noticed, that she was just wondering why I hadn't run off, that she didn't know I was staring at her, but unfortunately none of that was the case. When I peered up at her, she was staring me down with an eyebrow cocked and a smirk on her face. My cheeks flushed red immediately as I cleared my throat. "Like what you see?" She asked cockily. I blushed again.

"Uhm, I- no, I wasn't, I mean-" I stuttered, making her smirk grow wider. She nodded, licking her lips and bringing the bottom one in between her teeth.

"Mhm, okay Jay," she laughed. "Run along now, stay where I can see you." I nodded, it seemed like second nature to follow everything she asked blindly. I just wanted to make her happy.

"Yes ma'am," I stated unironically before running off to play in the water. I spotted Sadie sitting at the shoreline, so I figured that I would join her. She doesn't make me flustered the way that Ryan does. I hated that Ryan had that effect on me, I wish I could go about my business without even thinking about her. Unfortunately, I do not have that kind of luck.


I played in the water for a while but eventually got bored, so I moved over to the sand, and after approximately 10,000 hours of begging, I convinced Ryan to build a sandcastle with me. Though she whined and groaned about it the whole time, I knew she was just teasing. I stole glances at her, hoping she didn't notice. I caught her eye a few times, but each time I did, she would just smile and give me a wink, making me blush. She knew too, she always did. She always knew exactly what to do to make me blush.

Ryan's pov

After I finally agreed to build a sandcastle with her, she lit up like a Christmas tree. Her emerald eyes glittered and she was positively beaming. It seemed silly that the smallest act of building a sandcastle with her would make her so happy, but it wasn't, and it did. Make her happy that is. Her face was pink, her cheeks and the tip of her nose coated with either a blush or rosy from the sun. Possibly a bit of both. The sun was making her ginger hair as red as a fire. She looked absolutely radiant, it made me look at her completely different. As if she hung the moon and stars herself. I've always been fond of her, but this was different. This was new. I saw her in a completely new light.

I'm not blind, I knew she was a pretty girl, but I guess I didn't see exactly until just then. She's gorgeous, breathtaking, an absolute work of art. I couldn't help but steal glances towards her while she worked, noticing the smaller things I had never noticed before. She stuck out her tongue when she was trying to focus and she would furrow her brow along with an adorable pout if something fell over or got messed up. She would occasionally catch my eye, so I would smile and wink, which would cause her already pink face to turn a few shades deeper. How did I not see it before?

The others were minding their business for the first few hours we were there, Bee and Avery ran off and body surfed or had a splash fight or something similar. Sadie spent her time tanning, listening to music, and continuing to ogle at the gorgeous women here, but continue to deny the fact that she's at least a little fruity, which was stupid because she has to be at least bi, but I digress. After a while, they collectively decided to join us. Helping us to construct our masterpiece.

About thirty minutes in, I heard Jaymie's tummy growl and decided it was probably time to take a break and have some lunch.

"C'mon guys, why don't we go grab a bit of food. I don't think anyone's eaten yet." They all shrugged or nodded in confirmation.

"Fooood! Yes please, I'm starving!" Avery yelled, causing me to shake my head and playfully roll my eyes.

"That sounds good," Sadie says with a chuckle. I looked over to Jaymie to see what she thought. She had a small pout on her face making me want to burst with fondness for her. I rubbed her arm gently.

"Jay?" I whispered lowly so no one else could hear. "I heard your tummy growl, don't you want to go eat something?" She shook her head, the frown still evident on her face. "Why not babe?"

"Because, I buildin' a castle and I wanna finish," she said with a sniffle. I stared at her expression, her nose and cheeks were red and her eyes were watery making them look even more green. Her eyes were wide staring into mine, basically pleading, even just over a sandcastle, and her bottom lip was jutted out in a pout.

"JJ, angel, we can keep building it once you've eaten. I just want you to get some food first, so you don't go all day without something to eat, but can come back after we've eaten." Her eyes went wide.

"Really?" She whispered. I nodded. "Promise?" She asked, holding out her pinky. I laughed at her cuteness, locking my finger with hers.

"Promise," I replied, helping her stand up and walking with her to our stuff, and if I noticed that our hands were interlocked the entire time, I'd never say. 

A/N: Here's chapter ten! x Sorry, it's taken me so long to update, it's been a rough few days and I've been a bit ill recently. Anywhooo, as always, leave comments for suggestions, feedback, and things you would like to see more of! Thank you to everyone who has voted and read this so far! Enjoy xx

Question of the day! What is your comfort movie? My comfort movie is Julie and Julia!

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