Chapter 22

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"When agents die, we don't mourn. Black is our color, and death is only an obstacle."

Alba looked at Agent 19. The soil above her father's coffin was still fresh.

"We rarely go to their funerals, we prefer remembering their work and their achievements, making sure to follow their legacy, but once in a while, someone breaks the tradition. The Chief came to my parents' funeral," the young woman explained.

"He did?"

Agent 19 smiled. "Yes. I was alone because both of them had left their families. I don't know where my family is or if they know that my parents are dead. But the Chief came and hugged me and told me that the base was my home, and he would be my family." She wiped a tear.

"He was...thoughtful."

"He was. You should have the chance to know him better."

Alba didn't speak, only stared at the row of tombstones in front of her. Everyone else was gone, including Axel.

"I'm your family too," Alba finally said. "Whenever you are ready to explore the world, call me. You can stay with me, and I can show you how life outside those grey walls is."

"I thought you were joking yesterday." The girl's eyes were sad, her lips making a small "O".

"I'm not. I'm leaving. For now, at least."

"Does he know?" she asked, but they both knew who the "he" was.

"Not yet. Come on." Alba pointed her head to the last car that was left outside the cemetery. "Are you ready to see how good I drive?"

They started walking the small distance until to black car.

"He'll need you."

"He'll be fine." She opened the driver's door and got inside.

"He's got a lot of experience, but that's not enough. Everyone is looking up to him, and he has to deal with the base's destruction, the aftermath of Agent O's betrayal, and PROTEA has to protect the world too."

"I'm sure a lot of people will help your new Chief." She started driving, the cemetery's trees looking tall, their branches protecting the dead.

Goodbye, dad. Give them my love, she thought as everything disappeared from the rearview mirror after a turn.

"Agent 40-S, the Chief-" she shook her head, the new title still not rolling on her tongue- "will need his friend. That's you."

Alba laughed lightly. "Oh, really? Never crossed my mind."

They laughed for a couple of minutes. Not because of their words but because they needed some relief.

"I'm only a call away. Next time I won't be so surprised when I receive a message saying that I've been activated."

"I still can't believe it. You know, I thought something was off, but I convinced myself that I was wrong."

"Insane, I know. How's Nat?"

There's no reason to pretend, she heard me call the woman Nat while I was carrying her to the operation room.

"Better. The doctor was surprised that she hadn't broken all her bones. But she's glad the chip's out. You should go visit her. I think she wants to talk to you."

Alba turned her head. "She said that?"

"No, but she asked for you. A lot."

Alba reached for an earpiece on the inside of her black suit and put it in her ear. She activated it. "This is Agent 23. Open the gate."

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