Chapter 4

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The Great Room was buzzing with excitement, and agents ready to act against the enemy. Neva and Azarov were PROTEA'S primary targets, and everyone was focusing on finding them.

The Chief was standing in the middle of the room, all eyes on him, waiting for his instructions. Alba was close to Agent 40-S, trying to imitate his pose. They were both standing with their hands clasped behind their backs, their feet were shoulder-width apart, and they were looking straight ahead, toward the Chief.

"We all know why we are here, and what's expected from each group. Agent O and I will be the heads of the operation, organizing everything. Assistant Agent X is here to help and take care of the less pressing matters. I want to keep the trainees outside this case. Let's avoid messing with people who aren't ready for this. Agent 40-S has created a plan for when we find them, but of course, we have no idea where and when that might be. Thankfully, Agent 23 has agreed to help us."

A dozen pairs of eyes turned and looked at her. Alba suddenly felt too self-conscious. This was escalating quickly, and there was no way of escaping.

"Relax. Remember to breathe," he whispered.

Her arms relaxed a little, and she exhaled the breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Until we have their location, I want you to keep training, stay on guard and find a way to stop their labs. Because don't forget that it won't end if we catch them. The chip is out there, waiting to be used. The world comes first."

"The world comes first," said every agent in the room, including Alba.

Agent 16-E, the woman who talked to Alba when she arrived, approached her, a few envelopes were in her hands.

"Let's go. The team is waiting for your instructions."

Agent 40-S had told her that Agent 16-E was the head of the electronics and computers team, and they had worked together many times.

"Okay, give me a sec."

Alba turned to her ally. She believed she could trust him, but she didn't have much of the choice on the matter. He knew the truth, and he could expose her at any second.

"Don't worry, just use the system and the computers. You said that your fingers move automatically on the keyboard. Just don't be surprised when you get there. The technology they have is beyond imagination."

The phone in my drawer proves it.

"I'll do my best. One last thing."

Someone called for him, but he waved his hand in response and stayed, waiting for her question.

"Who named me?"

"You did."

"I thought the Chief chooses the names of the Agents."

"The letters, yes. They represent our specialty or our position. But the number is usually the Agent's choice. Why?"

"Do you know why I became 23?"

He shook his head in denial.

"Okay. I'll see you later," she said and followed the other agent.

But I do. I know why I picked that name. The question is why would I want to remember my parents' death while I was doing this job.

Calling her surprised would be an understatement. She felt like a kid in a toy store where toys beyond imagination were there to play with. Computers, touch screens, modern systems... Everything was there, and she could use them.

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