Chapter 52 Pt. 1

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Chapter 52 is dedicated to sam_cahilll and shakeskare and okaybitxhbye

Thank you for your support ❤

Outside the frost coated window, the world glistened in white. It wasn't as beautiful as it was enamoring and captivating. The innocence of snow. The soft snow danced among the scattered rays of light, twirling and swirling around as if choreographed to match a gentle symphony.

The trees laden with shimmering snow, bent eagerly to watch the snowflakes do their dance. Their powdered branches were the perfect backdrop for the winter wonderland in front of me. It reminded me of fairytales I used to hear.

"You're awake," Ashton said, pulling me out of my reverie.

I rolled over to see him sitting at the edge of the bed with a smile, his hair still wet from his shower. His scent was the perfect fragrance, captivating my senses and filling my heart.

"Ash." I smiled. "Merry Christmas!"

The smell of cinnamon, gingerbread cookies and hot chocolate wafted through the cabin. Brooke twirled around the room, humming along to the light music that played in the background.

"Merry Christmas!" she greeted us with a large grin.

CaVaughn came down the stairs next. His face was completely neutral, but he was quickly swept up in Brooke's whirlwind of happiness. He managed a smile. He still had trouble showing his emotions most times. His enhanced healing had no effect on the mental wounds left by the king. But when he was with his family, although he didn't say it, he was happy.

We had a quick breakfast and then Ashton was whisked away to his parents' office for paperwork and an online meeting. I spent the rest of the morning responding to messages and chatting with my family.

After I called my parents, my aunt, Dorothy called. We'd occasionally texted each other since I'd come back to Crysauralia, but this was the first time she'd called. She, like most people, was still scared of King Caden.

I laughed as she told me about how her pencils kept going missing, but always turned up in her hair, and the time when she accidentally mailed away her glasses with some books.

Melissa, Callie and Kevin called too, and we talked for hours on a four way call. I honestly loved them so much. I couldn't imagine not having them in my life. Just the thought of never meeting any of them made me feel cold on the inside.

Melissa was the big sister who watched over us and made sure we kept our stupid decisions to a minimum. Callie was dramatic, energetic and full of fun and was always fantasizing about love. Kevin was the big brother of the group, and he encouraged our antics whole heartedly.

Together they complemented my life in beautiful harmony. I owed them my happiness.

If I had to choose a color that represented them it would be white, because while they were all different colors, in white, you can find every single color. They blended together perfectly to create a masterpiece that was indescribably beautiful, like a wintery scene.

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