Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 is dedicated to DioneWebster

Thank you for your support ❤

"You are coming tomorrow, right?" Callie asked me for the millionth time. "I won't know anybody there."

"That's never stopped you before. Make some friends."

She pouted, trying to think of a way to convince me to attend the soulmate party that was going to be held tomorrow night.

"Plus Daniel will be there," I added, nudging her. "Do you really want to make me be a third wheel?"

"You won't be a third wheel," she sulked, turning into the palace driveway. "You know we'll make you feel included. And didn't you say your friend was going to get proposed to? You can't miss that!"

I sighed. Callie parked in front of the palace and turned to me, her eyes pleading. "I want you to come. Who the hell cares what Ashton thinks? That damn jerk," she muttered under her breath.

"It's not just about what he thinks," I sighed. "I don't want to make anybody uncomfortable. It's a soulmate party. Why would his ex soulmate be there?"

"You're still his soulmate," she declared. "That hussy can go back to wherever the hell she came from. Her being here doesn't change anything."

"Yes, Cals. It kinda does," I said, getting out of the car.

She huffed, getting out and trotting up to me as best as she could in her six inch heels. "Please? Kevin'll be there too."

"I thought you were late," I reminded her.

"I'll go to the set after you change your mind," she decided obstinately.

I glanced at the time. "Fine, fine. I'll consider it if it will make you happy. But don't hold your breath thinking that anything will happen between me and Ashton."

She grinned widely and nodded.

"Hello," Hailey smiled, coming towards us. "Are you Liz's friend?"

"No, I'm her pet statue, that's why I'm standing beside her," Callie said, rolling her eyes.

"You're so funny." Hailey smiled. "Your hair is lovely."

"It's not mine," she snapped and Hailey looked confused.

I subtly nudged Callie and she just turned to me and gave me a quick hug. "I'll see you later, babe."

"Bye." I waved after her.

It was Callie's first time meeting Hailey but I could tell she had no intention of being nice to her, princess or not.

"I don't think she likes me," Hailey muttered, pointing out the obvious. "But you're Ashton's ex so what else would I expect."

I forced a smile and moved past her, going into the house. There was something about her that I just didn't like.

I greeted the guys who were reclining in the living room. Raúl and Kristof were there talking amongst themselves.

"Is that for me?" Hailey asked, eyeing the gift bag I was carrying. "That's so sweet of you to remember our one month anniversary! You shouldn't have."

"I didn't. I'm returning something to CaVaughn."

She narrowed her eyes at that. "Cav? What could you possibly have for him?"

"Why do you need to know that?" I asked, getting a bit annoyed by her intrusiveness.
Raúl and Kristof frowned at her but kept their opinions to themselves.

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