Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 is dedicated to all my silent readers. You might not vote or comment, but the fact that you're giving my book a chance means a lot to me!

Thank you for your support ❤

PRINCESS HAILEY (Princess of the Kingdom of Meryllia)
Age: 18


Elizabeth's POV

“Please come this way with me.”

Kevin collapsed onto the couch, clutching his sides and laughing his head off.

“If that’s all you’re going to say to him, then we’re doomed,” Jun chuckled.

I huffed and plopped down on the couch beside Kevin, who was still laughing.

“You sound like a receptionist,” Kristof guffawed.

“Please- please come this way,” Kevin imitated me before erupting in another fit of laughter.

I was in their meeting room, practicing what I would say to distract Malekh and lure him away from Jackson. As you could probably tell, none of my ideas were working.

“Try this,” Raúl grinned. He draped himself on Kristof and winked. “Malekh baby, I need you come with me right now,” he said, trying to make his voice sound like mine.

Kristof pushed him away and he landed beside Kevin, howling with laughter. I rolled my eyes at their antics. This must be a whole circus. I couldn’t help but laugh at his weird attempt.

“Hey, she can’t do that,” Bianca chimed in. “What if he gets the wrong idea?”

“That’s good too,” Jun laughed. “As long as she gets him away from anyone he’s with.”

“That might be too risky,” CaVaughn agreed with Bianca.

“I can’t do that,” I groaned, lying down and covering my face with a cushion.

Everyone laughed at my distress. It was nice hearing them being lively and upbeat again. It made it feel as if almost nothing had changed. After everything that had happened, I was so happy that they were smiling now.

“It’s so noisy in here.”

We all turned around to see a girl with wavy reddish brown hair and large brown eyes. She offered us a cute smile and entered the room. She was about 5’6”, and wore a pretty pink floral patterned sundress. Her complexion was sun kissed and in one word, she was gorgeous.

“Uh… who are you?” Beau asked as she stared at us with a bubbly smile.

“Oh silly me, I always forget to introduce myself. I am Princess Hailey Montgomery. It's so nice to meet you all!”

Princess? Maybe she was some relative of Ashton's.

She glanced around the room and her eyebrows furrowed. “Where is Ashton?”

“He’s in a meeting,” Kevin said, going over to her. “Do you have business with the prince?”

“Kind of… I was hoping to see him,” she pouted.

“You can see me,” Raúl grinned and was elbowed by Beau.

Her eyes re-scanned the room and rested on me. “A human.”

“Uh... yeah. Hi, I’m Elizabeth.” I curtseyed awkwardly.

Her eyes suddenly brightened at something behind me. “Ashton!”

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