A u t h o r 's N o t e

41.7K 1.2K 258

|| Started: March 15, 2021 ||
|| Completed: March, 14, 2024||

Heya Lovelies!!

So, after reading a number of books on Wattpad, I finally decided to try my luck in writing as well. It was a rushed decision on my part, however, this particular thing was in the back of my mind from the past few months.

• Through this story, I want to share a snippet of my imagination and observation regarding Indian Arranged Marriages. In another way, all that I have seen, heard, read and dreamt about arranged marriages will be depicted here in the form of our Aditya and Riya's story.

This is my first story and I will try my level best to make it as much realistic as I can. This story will not have any unrealistic troubles or any overdramatic situations but it would surely highlight all the possible situations and scenarios that revolve around a couple and how well they will be able to handle it.

• In Love Unrushed! both the protagonists will be far from perfect. They will have their own flaws, own insecurities and own challenges. Hence said, neither they will be Famous Billionaires nor Greek God/ Goddesses.

As much as I loved reading all these stories, I wanted to write my first work closer to reality, with which all of you can relate to.

• Also, dear ones, this story will move at its own pace, not at a pace where both the leads meet each other in the very first chapter itself, and start loving each other right from the start.

• Hence said, this story is a slow-paced romance, and I would request the readers who are looking for fast romances to respect the pace of the story instead of blatantly criticising the author or the characters for the speed in which the leads will be falling in love or get intimate with one another.

The following points are just humble requests and not any disclaimer for the readers. Hence said, we authors do not chase any appreciation but we sure look forward to a little respect and humility in your comments towards us and our writing.

• Criticism cleverly coated in 'Just my opinion but...' 'Don't get offended but...', 'Don't take it personally but..' is pretty hurtful buddies, even though the number of such snarky-remarkers are just two in hundreds.

• Hence, please refrain from adding such negativity in someone's work, because it might be just one negative comment for you, but I swear, your words keep on swirling in the author's mind all day, all night, leading to hundreds of insecurities and self-doubts.
(And Yes, these comments are never forgotten, that's how badly they affect our minds.)

• Every person is bound to make mistakes, so do I.
Hence, you can always point out a typo or a grammatical mistake in the story, as long as it is in a polite manner.
But mocking the author for the same isn't going to make us and others respect you or your jeerings.

We don't mock people when they make unintentional mistakes, we support and respect them, we value their time and efforts, simultaneously helping them with genuine, polite advices whenever, wherever needed.

• Also a humble request, you can always suggest me points of improvement as long as it is in a respectful manner. Constructive criticism is always welcomed, and I will ensure to make the required changes as much as possible.

• But, I sincerely request,
Please do not criticise my (or anyone's) work, the author or the characters. No author invests so much time and efforts for such toxicity, or hurtful criticism in the name of 'Just an opinion', 'no offence but..', and so on.

• Every person is entitled to their opinion, so do you. But, just because as a reader you couldn't relate to something or like a certain scene/conversation/word, doesn't give you the right to judge/disrespect/mock/call names to the characters.

Please remember, you are not calling out on the characters only, but ultimately (and indirectly) the author as well.

• I sincerely request, before commenting anything rude, judgmental and negative, be a little empathetic and try to put yourself in the author's shoes. And I hope, you'd not want to hear the same words with such negativity from a third person.

Hence said, I am open to criticism, as long as it is constructive and backed by logics and rationales, and not by judgements and subjective expectations.

• This book is unedited and might have grammatical, contextual, writing and storytelling errors. Please give the author some time to edit and republish the work before making harsh observations.

Learning is gradual and we writers are learning with every sentence we write and each word we pen.


Lastly, this is my original piece of work, and I've given my heart and soul while penning each chapter of this book. Hence, I do not allow anybody to plagiarise my work, or reproduce it on this platform, or any other platform.


Lots of love

Ps 1: Thank you to Thestardustcommunity for taking the efforts and helpimg me in promoting this book. ❤️

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