47| Spoiled

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Chapter 47: Spoiled (Evelyn's POV)

I went back to the counter, announcing that I was bartending for the rest of the evening. I saw Caroline sitting at the end of the counter, talking to Max while he waited for me to give him the drinks that he had to serve. 

"They appear to be hitting it off, right?" I looked forward at Archer. 

I nodded, "She seems like she's enjoying his company." I went over, putting the two Bloody Mary drinks that I made on the tray. "Why don't you take the rest of the night off?" 

He looked at me in confusion. "Who will serve?" 

"Troy is free outback. Just tell him," I shrugged. 

"Your uncle will kill me," he said. 

"No, he won't. I'll cover for you. Go," I nodded, drying my hands on the apron, glancing at Caroline who was too busy staring at Max in awe. "Go," I nudged his ribs with my elbow. 

He agreed, taking his apron off and then grabbing his stuff, leaving with Caroline, telling her about how he'll show her all the best spots in town tonight. 

I sighed, waiting for another order to come up. People were slowing down on the drinks as more families started coming in for dinner. The doors opened and the Wellington's walked in. They're an older couple who come here often for dinner, but today they've brought their grandson. His name is Jonathon and he's only two years old, I've been his babysitter in the past. 

They walked over, stopping at the counter to meet me. "Evelyn, we missed you around here," Mrs. Wellington grinned. 

"It's great to be back," I chuckled. "Can I take your orders?" 

"Bartending tonight, ay?" Mr. Wellington asked while I nodded. His wife sighed, struggling to hold Jonathon. 

"Can I watch him for you?" We all turned to Archer. 

"Oh, your majesty, please-" 

"Please call me Archer," he smiled, watching Jonathon, trying not to laugh while he twirled his grandmother's hair around his fingers. They agreed and he settled down with Archer almost immediately while they went and took a table. Archer seated him on the counter while I started making the drinks they asked for before sending them out to their table. Jonathan was looking around the place, playing with the zipper on his jumpsuit. 

I walked over, standing beside him, resting my elbows on the counter. I leaned forward, looking at him. "Hi," I grinned. 

"Hi," he giggled.

"Do you remember me?" I laughed, poking his sides, tickling him. 

He nodded, even though he probably didn't remember me. 

"Do you know who that is?" I asked, pointing to Archer. The more you talk to a child as if they understand you, the more they do. And he somehow does, he just doesn't know all his words. He nodded again, fiddling with the cuff links on Archer's sleeves. "Who is that?" I asked. 

"Prinsh," he mumbled, fascinated by the cuff links, completely zoned in on them. 

I glanced at Archer who was chuckling, smiling at him. I found myself smiling too. "Can we keep him?" he asked. 

"I wish," I snorted, rolling up the sleeves of Jonathon's jumpsuit that was way too big for him. 

His eyes landed on the bowl of lollipops at the end of the counter and he gasped, his eyes getting big and sparkly. 

"Do you want one?" I laughed. 

He nodded eagerly. 

"I can give it to you after dinner," I shrugged and he started frowning. "Or if you give me a kiss." 

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