26| Flip

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Chapter 26: Flip (Archer's POV)

"Say please," I smirked, leaning in closer to her. I know she wanted to kiss me and she wanted me to kiss her. 

"What?" she scoffed. 

"I know what you want," I nodded. "But you don't just get it for free." 

"Oh, I have to pay for it now, do I?" She arched a brow at me. 

"No, you just have to ask nicely." 

She narrowed her eyes at me. "You do realize I could just do it, right?" 

"Without my permission?" 

She nodded. 

"Go ahead. Is something stopping you?" 

She didn't have a snarky answer. She was nervous to do it. She was hesitant and she was being shy. Which was completely understandable. She's only ever been with one guy and that relationship was a secret. Of course, she is going to be shy in matters like this. 

"You know, I'm being honest. If you want me to do it, all you have to do is ask," I smirked. 

"I am not going to ask you to kiss me."

"So you admit you want me to?" 

She rolled her eyes and tried pushing me back but I pulled her hand down. She leaned against the table, propping herself on her hands behind her while looking at me. "On second thought, perhaps I don't." 

"Are you sure?" I questioned. 

She didn't answer. 

I smiled, my eyes flicker between her eyes and lips. 

She pushed herself off the table, standing closer to me. 

"You have every right to do it yourself, Evelyn," I mumbled. 

"Why? You're not mine, nor am I yours," she replied. 

"I will be and so will you," I retorted. 

She chuckled softly. "I should go." 

"Without taking what you came back for?" Yes, I was urging her on. I wanted her to do it. I wanted her to make the first move. I wanted her to initiate the kiss. 

"Well, you aren't giving it to me." 

"You aren't taking it either." 

She huffed, glaring at me subtly. 

"Do it, Evelyn. I dare you," I mumbled, my voice automatically getting lower and deeper. 

She was still hesitating. 

"I want you to do it. Can you?" I whispered. 

Her breath hitched momentarily before she pulled herself closer to me, our lips merely inches away. She took a small breath and started leaning in. 

And I stopped breathing. I felt my stomach doing a flip. Then another flip. And another flip. My heart started pounding as I leaned in as well. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. 

Her lips brushed against mine and she stopped for a second. 

I watched as she closed her eyes. I would have smiled if I wasn't just so absorbed by staring at her. She pushed herself forward, her lips connecting with mine. I kissed her back almost immediately and the kiss mutually was more than the last one we shared. My hands found her waist and I pulled her body against mine while her hands went to the back of my neck, resting there. 

I didn't know if she would be all right with me deepening the kiss. So I kept my lips moving in sync with hers without doing too much. I slowed the kiss down and she pulled back moments later. 

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