30| Marry

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Chapter 30: Marry (Archer's POV)

"Wait," I said through gritted teeth for the hundredth time, pulling her back from her door. 

"Archer," she laughed. "If we want to go to Cherie, I have to go, take a shower and get ready. In order to do that, you have to let me go." 

"Just wait," I whispered, pinning her against the wall, my arms going around her waist. 

She inhaled, looking up at me, patiently waiting for me to talk. 

I leaned in, kissing her slowly and softly. 

She smiled against my lips before pushing me off gently. "I have to go shower." She pecked my lips before turning away and going into her room. 

I put my hands on the wall, leaning forward, drumming my fingers while taking a slow breath. I pushed myself off the wall and went into my own room. I took a shower, got dressed, put my shoes on, and then opened the door, knocking on hers. 

She opened the door a minute later and peeked her head out. "Hi," she smiled. 

"Hi," I chuckled. "Are you ready?" 

"Two minutes, I just have to get dressed," she said. 

I looked down, seeing the robe around her. "All right, I'll wait here, hmm?" 

"Y-you can... yeah, you can come in." She opened the door, stepping aside. 

I walked in, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. My eyes followed her while she grabbed a small sundress from her closet and then disappeared into the bathroom. 

She came back out moments later with her damp hair in a loose braid and her red dress on with lace on the neckline. She grabbed her shoes and sat beside me, pulling on red ballet flats. 

"You never wear heels, do you?" I asked. 

She snorted, "Never. I don't know how to walk in them." 

I looked at her quizzically, "You have to walk differently in heels?" 

She looked at me, slightly surprised while smiling. "If I tried walking normally, I would fall, undoubtedly." 

"I hope you know you have to wear heels for the parties we host." 

"In that case," she stood up. "Someone is going to have to teach me." 

"I'm sure Caroline and Mila could help," I shrugged. 

She nodded in agreement, scanning the room while walking over to the vanity and spraying perfume on. She walked back over, standing in front of me. "I'm ready," she said while pulling the door open. 

I stood up, flicking the lights off on our way out. She started walking ahead of me but I grabbed her hand, yanking her back. 

"Oh," she chuckled, stumbling but I steadied her. I leaned down, kissing her. 

I can't deny it, her kisses are getting a little addictive. 

She didn't break away first this time. 

I pulled back and tucked her hair behind her ear. "You smell nice," I mumbled. 

"I figured you liked vanilla," she nodded and started walking once again. 

But I pulled her back again. "Did you change your perfume thinking of what I would like?" I was very surprised at that. 

She chuckled, shaking her head, "No." 

"Liar," I smirked. "You used to smell like lavender. You smell like vanilla today." 

"Maybe that's because I wanted to smell like vanilla today," she shrugged. 

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