I feel so alone, without you

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"Hello?" Jessie answered "Hi um, can I speak to Jordyn?" Elijah asked "No, you can not" "And why is that?" "Because, she is here with me for a reason, and that reason does not involve you bugging her all the time. You broke her enough, now leave her be" Jessie demanded, "You can't tell me, if i can or can't speak to my girlfriend" Elijah smirked "Girlfriend?" Jessie asked sarcastically "Yeah, that's right" "Well, seems to me that she's not happy. And that you are obsessed with her'' "You don't know what you're talking about" Elijah said "Really? Because every time she finishes talking to you, she is in tears because she can't keep doing this. I came outside and she was in tears again. BECAUSE OF YOU!" Jessie yelled "Listen pal-" "No you listen, you are gonna leave her alone, stop calling, stop "checking" up on her, stop bothering her. And don't make me tell you again" "Or what?" Elijah asked sarcastically " Or you'll regret it. I don't know if you know this, but I'm older than you. You are 20, I am 22 making me the stronger one. So don't push your luck with me" Jessie demanded "You think I'm scared of you?" "You will be, you see you may be a hunter. But you don't know the same tactics of self defense. You know, self defense against animals, well what about people. You see that is what makes you and I different people are usually stronger than animals. So you have a defense limit, where I don't. I've dealt with both animals and man. So DO NOT, push me" Jessie threatened "Oh and by the way, I think Jordyn likes me more than she likes you" Jessie added before he hung up.

He came back inside and I was sitting on the couch and I was just reading. Cause I loved to read. He snuck past me and into the other room where Sky was. "Hey, Sky" Jessie said quietly "Hey" Sky replied "How is she?" Jessie asked "She's kinda shaky, but she should be fine" Sky explained quietly "Okay, well I dealt with him so he should leave her alone" Jessie said "Okay, good. Well she's reading and I was just putting some stuff away." Sky explained "Okay, well Imma go check on her" Jessie said "Oh, here" Sky said, handing him a piece of paper. "A note? Who's it from" Jessie asked "I think Jordyn, I found it on the table, and it just said to Jessie, DO NOT READ. So I think it's from her to you but I could be wrong" Sky explained. I wrote this letter last night and just couldn't give it to him, so I left it for Sky to find.

My letter said:

"Jessie, I know that this is kinda weird cause I never write you letters. But I had to do this for you. I couldn't tell you in person so I wrote it all down and I hope this means something to you. Anyway, here goes nothing. Jessie, I love you. I fell in love with you literally the minute I laid eyes on you that day in the car. I knew that I loved you because I know what love feels like. And my love for Elijah could never be stronger than the love I feel for you. I know that this is weird and you may not feel the same but i just had to tell you this, and I had to tell you before I left. 

I couldn't contain myself and I couldn't say this in person, so I wrote it and I hope that this is the same way for you. I met someone, someone special the day you hugged me in the car. You told me that you weren't hitting on me. But I only asked because I kinda just wanted to test you. I could see in your eyes that you felt the same by the second day I was here. I could be wrong, but I don't know. You are so special, you are loving and caring and you are adorable and sweet. And everything about you is amazing. Anyway, I know that this is really weird of me to say but I love you. I Love you so much, and I just had to tell you before it was too late"

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