We knew you'd be with us today, If heaven wasn't so far away

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"So, it's been about 12 years 2 months and 4 days since my parents left. It's been so long that I don't remember who they are anymore. I don't remember what they look like, sound like, act like. Nothing, I remember nothing. And it sucks, really sucks. I used to say that life gets better when you let go, if I can tell others that. Why can't I do it? Why can't I let go?" I changed my name to Jordyn, so I wouldn't have to deal with the pathetic memory. Of how my parents used it" I explained writing it down. Elijah was standing, leaning on a tree listening to me speak as I sat by the river. I was sitting legs crossed, with my hair up and my back to the world. I thought I was by myself, but no he was there. He's always there when I go down to the river. "And here I thought I was the only one who liked this river," I said turning around to see Elijah, "How did you know I was here?" He asked with a small smile. "Please" I said with a chuckle in my voice, "I heard you coming from a mile away and besides, every time I come down here you follow me. And you stand there"  "Well, you know me pretty well" "Well, I have known you for 12 years, so. And you are a person who I care about so I know you pretty well" I added "What were you writing?" He asked "Just about what's on my mind" I answered. As we spoke I began to hear footsteps, thinking it's a horse or an animal I stood up. "Well, yeah I... what are you doing" He said "Shh" I motioned "What..." He tried to say " SHHH!" I said a bit louder trying to get him to shut up. I stood there waiting, the footsteps getting closer and closer.

As the creature turned the corner to where we were. I didn't see animal feet, I saw human feet. As they turned the corner I grabbed my knife I had and was ready if someone was trying to sneak up on us. They turned the corner and I raised my hand and was ready, until I saw who it was. No it wasn't Sean but it was Evan. Evan was another child that was out here. But he wasn't abandoned, he ran away. "Oh my god, I could've killed you," I said. He looked at me with a smirk if to say "Really, you were gonna kill me with that". The only thing that was different, was Evan never learned to speak, or he lost the ability to. So we taught him. He can understand us, just to reply, he signs. Elijah doesn't know what he says so I am basically a translator for him. "I'm sorry I scared you" He signed "What he said?" Elijah asked "He says he is sorry. "It's alright," I replied. We didn't need to sign, but he did because of what happened. "What did you need Evan?" Elijah asked, as I waited for him to finish Elijah grabbed my book and pencils. "He says, he needs something from me, What do you need?" I asked "Well, what is it?" Elijah said, losing patience. "Can you wait. Keep going" I said, he kept signing till he was done when He finished. I couldn't believe what he had said "He says that he found something that his parents had that my parents gave to them. A photo of all of us. Including me" I explained "A photo? Look I know the saying a picture is worth a thousand words or whatever but we don't have time for this" Elijah said rudely. "Yes I do, you think you don't because you don't want to have time for it" I argued "Whatever" He said "Maybe can we go inside? The birds are screaming out here" I asked.

Once we were inside Evan and I had already finished our conversation about the photo, and I had to help Elijah with everything. Something was up with Elijah, he had a hatred for Evan that I have never seen him have before, but why now, why today? Why does he hate him, did something happen? Or is it nothing but Elijah's making it something? I don't know and I don't have time for his games. 

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