Operation: Broken Feather Part 2

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"Man, an hour of footage and we've got nothing" complained Jake.

"At least we get free food" you pointed out.

You, Jake and Amy sat in the Prentiss Hotel, watching security footage.

"I have to admit, I do love a thorough vacuumer. I'm a little O.C.D" Amy said.

"What? No, you're not" Jake said, reaching over and moving some of her perfectly placed clothes out of its usual position.

"I can leave it there" said Amy.

"Totally" you said.

"It doesn't bother me" Amy said.

"I know" said Jake.

After a few seconds, Amy reached up and corrected her clothes.

"There it is" Jake said, smiling.


"Hey, hand me some peanuts, I'm snacky" Jake said to you.

You passed him some peanuts.

"I have something I need to talk to you two about" Amy said. "I might get a promotion to Major Crimes. They asked me to come in and interview for a job."

"What? You're gonna go work for the Vulture?" you asked in disbelief.

"Have you forgotten how awful he is?" asked Jake. "I guess that's just your new best friend now, Santiago. Emphasis on 'iago', backstabber."

"I'm surprised you've read Othello" Amy said.

You laughed. "No, Amy, he means the parrot from Aladdin."

"I wouldn't be working for the Vulture, I'd be working with him in Data Analysis" said Amy.

"Oh, it's just a lousy desk job?" Jake asked.

"You'd hate a job like that. You love working cases too much" you said.

"So, to convince you to stay because I can't go into work without someone to annoy, we're gonna catch this perp, you're gonna remember how much you love this job. You're gonna skip that interview and that's a Peralta guarantee" Jake said, standing up.

"Your last Peralta guarantee was that you could dunk a basketball" said Amy.

"No one said that he couldn't use a ladder" you said.

"The subtext of the guarantee was that you and y/n would be entertained, and you were" said Jake. "Let's go!"

 Jake walked out of the room, leaving you and Amy behind.


You knocked on a door. "NYPD."

The door opened. "Yes, Melipnos?"

"Oh, boy" said Jake.

"NYPD, sir. Have you seen anything unusual today?" asked Amy.

"Oh, no. This was nice, thank you" Melipnos said.

"Wait, wait, wait. What is this music?" asked Jake.

"Oh, this is from my country: Leirkrakeegovnia" answered Melipnos. "Do you like it?"

"I weirdly do" Jake said, and a few minutes later, you and Amy were watching Jake and Melipnos dance enthusiastically to the music.

"See, Amy, fun thing about working cases. You meet people from all over the world" you said.

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