The Bet Part 2

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You and Holt were standing next to each other when Terry came over to you.

"Captain, l/n, I'd like you to meet my wife, Sharon" Terry said.

"It's so wonderful to meet you. I've heard such great things about you" Sharon said, shaking Holt's hand. You however, Sharon hugged you, as you had met her before when Terry needed someone to babysit his kids.

"And you. Your husband is a real hero. If you ask me, he should have been up there with Detective Boyle today" said Holt.

"What for?" asked Sharon.

"For saving my life" said Holt.

"He means metaphorically" said Terry awkwardly. "You know, saving him from all that paperwork. Paper cuts are a slow death, baby."

"No, I was referring to how he threw his body at an emotionally disturbed criminal" Holt explained.

"He did what?" asked Sharon, shocked. "Are you back in the field?"

"Oh. I have caused a problem" Holt said.

"Yep. That's our cue to leave" you said, walking away, followed by Holt.

A bull horn blared, and Jake and Amy walked into Shaw's Bar. Jake was wearing a shirt and bow tie, along with a pair of shorts. Amy was wearing a hideous blue dress with a large bow on the back.

"Hot date coming through" Jake said loudly. "Hey, attention everyone. Now I know that tonight is Boyle's big night."

Everyone cheered.

"But let's forget about that completely for a moment and admire and comment on every terrible aspect of this" said Jake, gesturing to Amy.

A while later, after everyone had had a few drinks, Jake was stood next to you and Charles.

"Excuse me, everyone. Santiago and I will be performing the steerage jig from the film Titanic, which we have prepared for in no way, shape or form" said Jake.

Music began to play, and Jake and Amy began to dance.

"Peralta, l/n" Holt said from the bar.

"Scully, tag in" said Jake as you and him walked towards Holt.

"Yes" you said.

"One of our informants just called. We've been tracking a crew that lifts cargo out of Laguardia. The C.I knows where the truck unloads. So I need you to stake out the drop site" Holt said.

"Oh, sir, I'm right in the middle of embarrassing Amy, and I cannot reschedule. I have far, far too many non-refundable deposits. I'm renting a tiger cub by the hour" said Jake.

"For what?" you asked.

"Don't even know. Waiting for inspiration" replied Jake.

"Well, this is not a negotiation, so go" Holt said.

"All right, fine, but I'm taking Santiago with me" Jake said.

"No, just you and l/n" said Holt, walking away.

You and Jake left the bar after Jake explained what he had to do. She was very relieved.


You and Jake were now sat in Jake's car.

"I bet Amy's happy that we had to leave" you said, lowering the binoculars.

"Not to worry. We're gonna catch these guys and get back to the worst date of Amy's life" said Jake.

"No. She once told me that on a date with her aunt's dentist, he starting examining her teeth" you said, and you and Jake both laughed. "What was your worst date ever?"

"I think it's, like, a 50-way tie. The last lady I went out with burst into tears when I told her I was a Gemini. What's yours?"

"Mine was when I was at a restaurant and the waitress was the guy's wife" you said.

"Hey, those people left that door open. I bet there's a better vantage point from that roof" Jake said.

"Mmm, and I bet it doesn't smell like old cheese" you said.

"Okay, that's hurtful" said Jake. "Shall we?"

"Yeah" you said, and you both got out of the car.


You and Jake were now stood on top of the building, looking for a place to sit.

"Man, I don't know how Batman does it" said Jake, sitting down next to you. "It's super scary up here. Hey, will you grab the binoculars? They're in my stakeout bag."

"Your stakeout bag is 98% nuts" you said, showing Jake a large bag of nuts.

"I get snacky. Besides, nuts are super healthy. They're, like, 0% fat" Jake said.

"Jake, that's not true at all. They're like, the exact opposite" you said.

"What? That nut vendor lied to me" said Jake, lifting the binoculars up to his eyes.

You saw something come out of Jake's car. "I think a pidgeon just flew out of your car."

"Yeah. The windows don't exactly roll up" Jake said.

"The car's a piece of crap. Why do you love it so much?" you asked.

"You really wanna know?" he asked. "I was two days out of the academy, super nervous. Saw this guy run out of a Bodega, clutching a bunch of cash. So I pursued him on foot, eleven blocks. Finally catch him, cuff him, throw him up against that car. Turned out there was a for sale sign in the window, and, it being the best day of my life, I bought it. Thus began the debt."

"Crushing debt" you corrected.

Jake smiled at you. "Yeah, you do know me."

"Nut?" you said.

"Only if you throw it" said Jake, standing up.

"Ready?" you asked.

Jake nodded. You threw the nut and it landed in Jake's mouth.

"Nice" you said.

Jake took a handful of nuts from the bag. "You ready?"

"Uh-huh" you said.

He threw the nut and you didn't catch it, causing you both to laugh.

"What are you doing? Trying to catch it in your nose" Jake asked, laughing, as his phone rang.

"I got it, I got it, I got" you said.

"It's Holt" Jake said, standing up.

"Okay" you said, watching him as he walked away.

Jake walked back towards you.

"What did Holt want?" you asked.

"Just checking in" said Jake. "How you doing? Any progress?"

"Yep. Watch" you said.

You took a handful of nuts from the bag, and threw them up in the air, managing to catch a few.

"The key is volume" you said.

"I see that" said Jake.

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