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"She is still there?" Before she even spoke the man near the door stood up bowing.

"Yes ma'am, but she said she will be out in a sec."

Nodding at him she turned to see the three others followed them playing the suprised one, she squinted her eyes looking at them.

" We can help you with something?"

Shaking her head delicately, Montgomery looked behind her smiling at who Juliana guess was none else than Eleanor.

Playing it off she glanced back meeting the woman incredibly blank eyes, which warmth at the others sight. No one could spot it but she was giving her cold shoulder by ignoring her like she was just another person.

"No Mrs Harris, in fact we came to help Ms MacArthur home. You are ready right?" Glancing from Mrs Montgomery to her actual boss, then just locked her door setting the smart Lock on Eleanor nodded while walking slowly to them trying to hide that she was still limping.

"Okay then I can give you a lift it is pretty late."

Interested by the beautiful woman who hit in her as far as she was hired in the shop the young woman smiled giving Juliana the creep about her answer making her cut her off.

"Montgomery do not bother yourself, I will deal with that from here." Meeting the woman gaze she looked at her for a moment before turning her back to her.

"MacArthur you are still limping I thought it was nothing?" Walking toward her her sister on her tail she looked at Eleanor with stern but worries eyes.

"Don't worry ma'am it really is nothing. Tomorrow it will be an old story. Mrs Montgomery can..."

"I don't want to hear about it. I wasn't asking Miss MacArthur it is an order, if we go now we can reach doctor Jill house to have a look on you knee."

Infuriated by Harris insistance, Montgomery bit her tongue to hold her words not wanting to forget who sign her paychecks. She hoped there were nothing else behind Harris intentions, that couldn't be, staring at the young woman face it was clear that she was struggling to stay on her two feet, she leaned more on one.

"My sister is right, you should see a doctor because it wasn't that bad when we left you in the morning."

Bitting her lower lip in deep thought, Eleanor met a fully awake Lana puppies eyes pleading for her to say yes, before she even voice it she had the teenager taking her arm helping her with her shoulder as her mother took Eleanor bag.

Sighing internally in relief Juliana stepped aside to let them lead the way to the elevator which opened as soon as she called it allowing them inside.

Taking the same place as before she met Montgomery curt eyes which kept locked in hers all the way untill the doors closed.
Not minding it one bit she didn't had the time to ponder about it that they arrived to the top floor where things was already closed.

Taking the exit where the security was gathered, they entered her brown SUV Pajero that her guards parked near the exit. They closed the doors behind them as Amy took the passenger seat leaving the back to Lana and Juliana, Eleanor in the middle.

"To Doctor Jill, call to see if he is there or at the hospital."

After saying it sternly to the driver she loosened her seatbelt leaning towards the middle of the car. Not waiting for the young woman approval, she delicately took her leg between her hands having it on her laps causing her to release hurt sounds which was like more punches on her heart. She never experienced the pain she was in knowing she did that to her in more than one way.

Pushing the clothes pants up with her slightly shaken hands, she closed her eyes seeing how swollen her knee was after removing the excuse of bandage she put on it, not to mention the junction of her leg, it was heartbreaking, even Lana gasped seeing that grabbing her mother attention.

"It's going... Oh my God! How did... WOW! It certainly hurt love. This is not nothing." Shooting her words Amy said looking at the leg her sister had on her expensive white clothes and unreasonable expression on, one she saw before on her face.

"It's okay, I will have it in ice home it should sto..."

"Please stop make excuse, it really is something. You are hurt for God sake, we will see what the doctor says. This is not right."

Emphasizing the last word Juliana finger touched the skin of the knee making her flinched like she slapped her her body shuddering, glancing at her, she saw her closed her eyes tight trying her best to keep her breath steady, the pain was clearly unbearable, understanding it Lana engulfed her in her arms making her squeezed her body seeking comfort to be honest she felt like sharp knife was cutting her nerves now and then.

Feeling nauseous at her pain Amy hand clenched on her seat her eyes on the young woman at least proud of her daughter who was comforting her.

Juliana heart sank, she was a mother and would killed literally whomever for doing such a thing to one of her children. All her defenses broken at what she did out of stupidity. A. child was hurt because she was that an innocence soul in a beautiful woman body.

Her delicate face where small kissable lips was placed complement by her piercing brown eyes her small but strong nose, perfect cheekbones and jawline she had an angelic face where innocence poured as magnetic pool pulling everyone to her.

There were this intimidating vibe she had that changed everything to another level it was like a wall or even a shield that protect her from the world attempts to take advantage of her.

It was a strong vibe, to which as she had her hand on her leg caressing her skin tenderly, that made her inside churned with butterflies spreading in all her body a totally different feeling showing its head fear.

Now she was afraid to be rejected, the way she looked at her all the light she always have in her eyes vanished had her worry, worry that she lost her chance with her.

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