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Good morning (potentially), Lovelies! Woke up feeling good, so it might be another day of uploads.


"Well, Mr

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"Well, Mr. Whiskers was a present from my father." I told Christian honestly. I hadn't lied though, there really wasn't much more to the story than that.

His eyes softened as he looked down at me, yet he said nothing. I could tell he was waiting patiently for me to continue. I wanted to look away but Christian had me cuddled against him. He was massaging the nape of my neck, holding me in place, just inches away from his perfect face.

It would have taken almost nothing to reach up and kiss him, but Christian was insistent on me telling this story.

"It's really just one of the last few things I have from him." I continued. "The name was his idea. It doesn't make much sense, but my father took one look at him and said he looks like a Mr. Whiskers. I guess it sorta stuck."

That made Christian smile. A smile so wholesome, it reminded me of how truly amazing this man was. "I think Mr. Whiskers is perfect. Your father sounds like he was a man with exquisite taste."

Those words created a knot in my throat. I did my best to hold back the tears that were now threatening to fall.

"That he was." I nodded. "I think he would've liked you."

While I couldn't of known that for sure, there was something about Christian- an unmistakable charm, that almost solidified his praise in anyone's heart. My father valued a family man, who got things done for the ones he loved. While my dad wasn't the most progressive in terms of relationships or relationship roles, from what I remembered, his love for me trumped everything else.

I could feel my eyes start to sting again, when I thought about it. There was just so much I wished he was still around to see.

Those memories were ones I tried not to dwell on too often. Speaking to Christian about it now was different, though. It wasn't like all the other times those memories flooded in.

I couldn't tell what had changed.

Maybe this time, I was able to think back on this memory, without having those painful memories of my mother surface too. Without thinking of that quick decent into hell she did, after she lost the last influential grounding energy in her life.

Maybe this time, I got to think of the love my father gave, instead of the pain he left in his wake.


Christian spent the night just holding me.

While I had started the night wanting to be intimate with him in other ways, this level of intimacy was different. Without being dramatic, I'd have to say that the night we shared together was more intimate than any physical touch could do.

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