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You don't wait for a response, you just wink at her and walk out of the room. As soon as you're out you see your friends glued to the wall to hear the conversation.

(y/n): Guys don't tell me you've been listening everything ?

They straighten up and try to act normally when they hear you.

Max: Oh heyyy (y/n) we weren't listening at all, we were waiting  for you!
Katy: Yes we did not hear!
Laura : at all
Andre: True!
(y/n): You are the worst liars in the universe.
Katy: Sorry but we wanted to know everything.
Andre: So we spied...
(y/n): It's okay guys I would have done the same thing, come on I'm starving.

They're such good friends, you met them in high school and at the time you all were pretty shy and confused about yourselves but fortunately you have found each other and grew together to become the cool lgbtqa+ friend group that everybody knows. The high school was specialized in theater and cinema so you all knew where you were going and that you were going together. Let's say the gaydar really worked in your favor this time.

Laura: She's been nice to you, I mean given how you talked to her this morning.
(y/n): Y'all know me but she looks kind and she's cute so I don't want to be a bitch to her, I just want to tease her a little.
Max: In which way?
(y/n): I don't always mean sex!
Max: Hey we never know with you!

You keep chatting when you leave the building. As you walk through the yard you notice people you already knew from high school. You can't help but notice a dumb group of girls who think they are better than everyone else staring at you. You hate them  because they harassed your best friend Max when he came out as gay in high school. You tell them with a fake smile. "Guys look who's back." Your friends turn to the girls and Katy sighs. "Oh not them." Max rolls his eyes "I hate these hoes". He gives them the middle finger with a smile, and you all do the same to support his wise decison. When you leave college you go buy some fast food and you sit in a park to eat.

Andre: One day in and I'm already sick of school.
Laura: Come on, we will practically work only on the theater we'll have fun!
(y/n): Personally, I can't wait to go tomorrow.
Katy: I wonder why!
Max: ...Why?
(y/n): Isn't it obvious?
Max: Well I don't know, I didn't bring my brain today!
(y/n): It does not change from usual.

He hits your shoulder while muttering a little "bitch".

Laura: Our (y/n) is completely in love with our new teacher.
(y/n): Not in love! But I definitely have a lil crush...
Andre: Teachers, doesn't sound like a good plan.
(y/n): I know but nothing is going to happen between us.
Katy: I can't believe that.
Max: Me neither.
(y/n): Oh fuck off. 

You spend the afternoon chatting, singing and dancing together, you just enjoy the peace and weather. After several hours you all say goodbye and go home. When you arrive to your house you try to go to your room as discreetly as possible. You don't want to talk to your mother, you live with her and you don't really have a good relationship. You never interact and you both prefer that. By going to your room you see her watching TV and you're glad she hasn't spoken to you. You lock your door because you always do and you almost jump in your bed. You pick up your phone and search for Mrs. Theron on social media. You find her and spy her page and pictures. Damn she is sooo pretty, omg is she single? AAAHH IT'S WRITTEN SINGLE ON HER PROFILE! Calm down, not gonna happen! Anyway too much woman for today.

You put some music and grab a piece of paper to sketch something. After a little while you hear your mother screaming your name. You roll your eyes before she walks into your room opening the door with the other key. "Fucking hell I already told you to turn down your stupid music!"

(y/n): Calm down, it wasn't even that loud!
Mom: Don't contradict me and don't tell me to calm down, ungrateful piece of-
(y/n): Fuck you, I'm out of here.

Your room is on the ground floor so you go out the window and run away. Your mother doesn't even try to catch you or anything. By now you understood that fighting with her is just waisting your time so you don't bother anymore. Once you are far enough you call Katy. When you have problems with your mom you go to a friend of yours, most often to Katy's because her parents are often away.


-Hey Katy it's me, I have some troubles with my mom again. Do you think I can come over? ... -Great, thanks. I'll be there in 15 minutes ... -No, don't worry I like to walk ... -Thank you baby see you!

Call ended.

Your headphones are still in your pocket so you put them on and listen to your comfort music. On the way to go to Katy's you have to pass in front of the university. You have a weird feeling and suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder, you turn around and get your fist ready just in case. But as you turn you notice that your "attacker" is Mrs. Theron. You relax and sigh of relief.

(y/n): I'm sorry I thought you were one of those night weirdos...
Mrs Theron: I didn't mean to scare you honey, I'm sorry. I tried to call you but you didn't hear.

Honey? heart is wet.

(y/n): Yea music... by the way Mrs. Theron, what are you doing here? it's almost 22 pm.
Mrs Theron: I was just getting out of school I forgot some papers in class. What about you?
(y/n):  I'm going to sleep at my friend's house, it's not far so I'm just walking.
Mrs Theron: In the middle of the night?
(y/n): Yeah let's say that it wasn't planned...
Mrs Theron: Oh okay I hope nothing is wrong?
(y/n): Yes of course don't worry about me!
Mrs Theron: Alright I'll see you tomorrow then, have a good night (y/n)!
(y/n): Have a good night too Mrs Theron.

She smiles at you and disappears in a street, your eyes are still locked to the place where she left, you smile to yourself and continue to Katy's house. The older woman wanted to ask you what was the problem because she knew right away that you were pissed but she didn't dare to invade your privacy. Once arrived you knock on the door and your friend opens it immediately. "Where were you? I was worried!" "I saw Mrs. Theron on the way." "Wait What?!"

Not a lot of Charlize in this one😢 but don't worry it's coming! Btw sorry for the delay it's pretty surprising but I was at the army today so I couldn't update earlier werk

-Djedje <3

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