Chapter 27: Our reality

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A/N: 27.12.2020

Hey guys, so I'm thinking of doing a Q/A since the book is slowly reaching the end.

If you guys have any questions about the story/characters, please leave it here! I'll post an individual chapter answering as many of your questions as I can ❤



Things have been getting better between Parker and me. It was mostly thanks to Parker. For someone who is impatient and hot-tempered, he made an effort to be more patient around me. He always wanted to try new things, pushing me to step out of my comfort zone but never forcing me to do anything, which I deeply appreciated.

I've realized how I'm slowly opening up to him. The Dark Thoughts have been quiet. They're scared of Parker, I know they are. Whenever he's around, they crawl away and I feel like I can take on the world. A few days ago, they came back and told me I didn't deserve Parker, and that he was getting bored with me.

He's with you because he pities you, they said. I almost believed them. Almost. I remembered what Parker had told me when he put his hand against my chest, over my little heart, telling me he'd never purposely hurt me. So I did something I rarely did. I told him what worried me. If I remember correctly, our conversation went something like this (it might not be completely accurate. I may have forgotten a few of his words... I hope that's okay):

"Parker? Do you miss sleeping with other people?"

"I miss having sex, but I don't miss the people," he said. We were lying in bed, and he was playing with my hair.

"You can sleep with other people if you'd like."

Parker scowled, tipping up my chin, so I'd look him in the eyes. I was staring at his chest before he did.

"You're okay if I sleep with someone else?" He asked, displeased.

"No, I'd be upset. But-"

"But what?"

"I want you to be happy," I told him.

"I am happy," he said. "With you."

My heart did a funny little dance, and there was a weird feeling in my stomach. It wasn't the same feeling I had when I wanted to puke, but it was more like a million little butterflies tickling my organs.

It made me nervous, but I didn't hate it. Parker wrapped his strong arms around me and kissed my head, then my cheek, and then my neck, leaving small bites and traces that would remind me he was here, at that very moment, with me.

I like Parker. I really, really like Parker. I'd like to use a stronger word, but I'm scared. I hope I can tell him before I leave.

Parker is brushing his teeth right now. I have to finish writing before he sees my journal.

Yours Truly


I went from hating being touched to craving Parker's touch. I could never initiate physical touch with him, so I patiently waited until Parker did. He'd kiss me on the forehead every morning after we took our dinosaur vitamins. But on Monday, he didn't. I frowned, wondering what I had done wrong.

"So, when the play?" Zev asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"It's after New Years. Will you and Freddie come see me?" I asked.

Conan The Dandelion (Boyxboy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now