Chapter 39

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The end of a season was always bittersweet. We had a good run with football this year, having won most of our games, although we didn't win the championship. Of course, Coach was disappointed in that, but what could we do about that now? There was always next year.

But with the end of football came the start of basketball. We had a couple weeks before those practices started up. We had the same coach for both sports, and many of the guys played both as well. So our final football practice was mostly consisting of ways to stay in shape on our own for the next two weeks when we had no official training. And of course, he had to have it on a Saturaday morning.

"You know, I have some ideas for a great workout we could do," John said whispered next to me. I looked over at him and he was smirking. "It involves Spence, too, but I'm sure he won't mind."

I rolled my eyes. Did he ever not think about sex?

"Alright, boys, you're free to go," Coach said, dismissing us from the big speech he'd just finished that I barely paid attention to. We were all standing in the locker room, and I was grateful he was finally done talking. It stunk in here. "Price. Masters. Hold up a sec before you run off."

John and I gave each other a look, probably thinking the same thing. It was never good when Coach kept you back after letting everyone else go for the day. We haven't even been arguing with each other. What did we do this time?

It took a few minutes before the rest of the team finally left. Then it was just the three of us.

"Boys, I just want to say thank you for working out whatever issues you two had in the past."

"Well, we realized all that hatred was just our undying love for each other," John said with a wide smile aimed at me.

I scoffed. "Fuck you."

His smile never faultered. "Okay."

"Boys," Coach interrupted with a sigh. "I don't want to know any details. Just... don't break up or whatever while you're still on my teams. I refuse to deal with your fighting again. Now get out of here."

As soon as we were outside and away from Coach, I gave John a small shove. "Did you have to tell him we were dating or hooking up or whatever it is he thinks we're doing?"

"Did I lie?" John retorted. "From what I know, that's exactly what we've been doing."

I didn't bother replying. He was right, but Coach didn't need to know. Not that I was ashamed or anything, but I didn't need Coach treating us any differently, although I had a feeling he wouldn't, thankfully.

But then something ahead of us caught my attention.

A woman was standing outside the freshman dorm, stopping every student who walked by. I couldn't hear what she was asking them from here, but no one seemed to be giving her the answer she wanted. For some reason, I couldn't help but head over toward her. I didn't know if I could help, but I could at least try.

"What are you doing?" John asked, following me.

"She looks like she needs help with something."

"Yeah? Well it's not our job to help. She'll figure it out."

I ignored him and kept walking over. When I got a bit closer, I heard her say a name I never would have expected to come out of her mouth.

"Do you know a Spencer? Please? I'm looking for him."

She was asking someone else, but I hurried over, John on my heels. "Spencer Hazlett?"

Her eyes snapped to mine, her entire face lighting up. "Yes! Do you know him? Do you know where I can find him?"

I suddenly saw the resemblance between them. The same blond hair, similar round faces. She was dolled up in an outfit that clearly displayed her wealth, which I knew Spencer's family had. This had to be his mother.

"I might. Who are you?" I asked anyway.

"I'm his mother. Please, I need to speak with my son."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I don't think you do."

She looked at John, who had mimicked my stance. "Can you tell me where he is, please?"

"You don't deserve to see him," John spat out.

She gasped, putting a hand over her heart. "You know nothing about me and my son."

"Oh, I know him a whole lot more than you ever will, lady!"

Mrs. Hazlett stepped forward and grabbed the front of John's shirt. I don't know what happened, but something inside of me snapped. "Don't fucking touch him!" I shouted, shoving her away from John.

Maybe that was a mistake, but I didn't feel guilty, not even when she stumbled back on her tall heels. She didn't fall, but she did shriek. Loudly.

That's when I noticed how many people were watching what was happening. Mostly students, but a few staff members were pushing their way through the growing crowd. One teacher, Mr. Melis, ran right over, immediately separating me from John. As if that was the problem. But, to be fair, he's separated us on more than one occasion in the past.

"What has gotten into you boys?" he demanded. "Fighting is one thing, but getting an unwitting parent involved is unnecessary and dangerous!"

"He attacked me!" Spencer's mom yelled, pointed at me. "Have him arrested or something!"

John stepped in front of me, almost protectively. "She's the one that came after me, Mr. Melis. Marc was only trying to get her to back off."

While we were trying to explain what had happened to Mr. Melis and Miss Howells, who had also forced her way through the crowd, I noticed Spencer's mom had moved away from us, talking to a third teacher, Mrs. O'Reilly.

Then I saw Spencer running over. He looked absolutely panicked. Did he know his mom was coming? Did he actually want to see her? Did we mess up by getting involved?

But, instead of heading toward her, he came right up to us. "What's going on?" he asked.

Mr. Melis shook his head. "This doesn't concern you. Go back to your dorm." Then he raised his voice and looked at the other students around us. "All of you, please leave. There's nothing to see here!"

They slowly started moving away, but Spencer stayed. "That's my mom. What happened?"

"I told her you didn't want to talk to her," I said. "Then I may have shoved her a bit for grabbing John. I'm sorry."

Instead of getting mad, like I half-expected him to, he hugged me. I hugged him back, feeling his mother's glare on us. John was still talking to the teachers, trying to make them believe Mrs. Hazlett really did grab his shirt the way she did. I don't think he even noticed Spencer get here.

"Spencer, dear!" his mother called. "Get away from them! They're dangerous!"

I tightened my grip around Spencer. Who was she to judge us? I didn't want him anywhere near that woman. How could she call herself his mother?

Spencer wiggled out of my hold, though, and faced her. "You don't know them," he said. His voice shook a bit, but he was stern. "If they did anything to you, it's because they were defending me."

"Spencer, honey. Please, let's go somewhere alone to talk. It's important that I talk to you."

He scoffed. "Oh, like it was so important that you tell me Dad died when it actually happened? Or that you fired Esmeralda? You never tell me anything! Why'd you even come here?"

John stepped closer to the two of us. "Maybe give her a chance? We'll be here for you, if you need us."

Spencer smiled up at him. I actually agreed with John. She did come all this way and was making a big deal about talking to Spencer. What was the harm in him actually hearing her out? She seemed a bit insane, but maybe they can work something out between them.

Spencer thought for a long moment before nodded. "Yeah, yeah okay." Then he turned back to his mother. "Fine. Let's talk."

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