Chapter 24

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I slipped into my desk next to TJ's just before the class was about to begin. I didn't know what to say to him, considering he sent Izzy after me. I could take care of myself.

"Now you show up?" he asked. "What happened?"

I shook my head. "Nothing." I wasn't even sure if anything did happen anymore. Yes, they both said they'd come out for me, but would it be worth it? Was Izzy right after all? Was I changing myself to be with them? Or were they trying to change me?

Neither one of us could say anything else, since the teacher started class. It was chemistry and I usually liked what we learned, but I couldn't seem to pay attention. Marc's empty desk across the room won more of my attention during the class, a beacon for all my doubts.

As soon as class ended, TJ was talking. "Are you mad at me? I feel like you are."

"You didn't have to send Izzy to check on me," I said, shoving my textbook into my backpack. "I also told you not to tell anybody."

I didn't realize just how upset I was about that until it came out of my mouth. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and headed into the hallway.

TJ quickly fell into step next to me. "I was only worried about you, that's all."

I stopped walking and looked at him. "They're not monsters."

An arm fell over my shoulders and I jumped, looking up to see John standing next to me. "Who's not a monster?" he asked.

He seemed so relaxed having his arm around me, even in the middle of the busy hallway. I knew he said he'd come out for me, and I already knew he seemed to have no qualms about it, but I don't think the idea fully set in until now. John had his arm around me like I was his boyfriend. I am his boyfriend. I really liked the thought.

"I never said that," TJ said before I had a chance to answer John. "Just that I was worried."

"Ooh, I see," John said. "There's nothing to worry about, right Spence?"

I looked up at him just in time for him to plant a kiss on my lips. While we were standing in the middle of the hallway. For everyone to see.

He really meant it when he said he'd come out, didn't he?

"Ahem," TJ interupted, not so subtly. I broke the kiss to look at him. "Last period's about to start. Or are you gonna skip that one, too?"

I shook my head. Of course I didn't want to miss another class today. I needed to stop letting myself get distracted, but TJ didn't have to babysit me either.

"Yeah, come on," John said, grabbing hold of my hand. "Let's go before we're late."

I could only follow like a small puppy, unable to wrap my mind around John actually going to class on time. It was so unlike him, especially because he hadn't been to any other class today. What made him change his mind now?

When we walked into the class, I was surprised to see Marc in his seat. I was really confused now. Both of them came to the last class of the day. Why? We weren't doing anything too important in class, just doing the last bit of presentations from our latest project, which we all did on Friday. They'd skipped more important things this morning.

Mrs. Peterson was still sitting at her desk, looking at the computer screen as everyone talked to one another. We still had maybe a minute before the bell would ring and class would start.

I stopped John before he could go any further into the room. "Why are you here?" I asked him. "In class. You and Marc. You didn't go to any other class today."

He smiled, letting go of my hand. "Maybe we're not here just to learn some history." Without waiting for me to say anything else, he slipped into his seat, leaving me still standing in the doorway.

The bell rang out loudly throughout the building. Mrs. Peterson lifted her head up from the computer, letting her gaze fall on me. "Spencer. Care to join us?"

I nodded my head quickly as I hurried to my desk. I was so thrown off by John and Marc being here. What was wrong with me?

Throughout the whole class, I couldn't seem to concentrate on the presentations. All I could think about was what possible reason John and Marc could have to showing up here if it wasn't to actually be in class.

I also felt like all eyes were on me. People talked, I know they did. And the way rumors spread, I was sure everyone was going to know that John kissed me and held my hand in the hallways by tomorrow morning, even by tonight. This was exactly what I wanted, but I wasn't sure why I was freaking out about it so much.

When class finally ended, I didn't get up from my desk right away. I took my time putting away my notebook and pencil, waiting until everyone had cleared out of the room. Everyone, as it turned out, except Marc and John.

"You okay?" Marc asked me, leaning against the desk next to mine.

I nodded my head slowly. I still hadn't come up with a reasonable explanation as to why they could have possibly come to this class today. And the fact that I hadn't eaten anything today probably didn't help at all.

"You're not waiting for me to give you another blow job, are you?"

I snapped my gaze to John, who was leaning on the desk to my right, the opposite side from Marc. Instead of responding to his ridiculous question, I asked my own. "Why did really come to class?"

"Because of you," Marc said from behind me.

"Me?" I asked them. They were going to make me dizzy with all this back and forth. "I didn't ask you to come."

Marc nodded slowly. "Yeah, but you care about school and we care about you."

"Plus," John added. "How else are we going to come out to the school if we stay holed up in our room all day, huh?"

"So you really meant it?" I looked at Marc when I asked. "This? All of us? It can really happen?" Marc was the one who seemed the most hesitant. I needed to hear his answer more than John's.

He nodded. "Yeah. This is what I want."

John walked over and wrapped his arms around Marc. It was not a sight I was used to seeing, but I smiled when Marc didn't immediately push John off him. And, when John leaned over to plant what looked to be a big, sloppy kiss on Marc's cheek, there was no comment, no backlash. Marc dramatically rolled his eyes and wiped off his face with his sleeve, but with a hint of a smile on his face.

Maybe we could get this to work after all.

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