dig your grave

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I bit at my nails trying to think of how I could leave here. I needed to go home, he wasn't gonna let me leave. He obviously made that clear from the beginning.

I looked under the bed trying to find anything I could use as weapon or shield to protect myself.

What is that?

I stretched my arm out further under the bed and found a piece paper. I sighed as I dropped the piece of paper.

How is this gonna help me escape?

I crumbled the piece of paper and threw it back underneath the bed. I got right back up to my feet. And attempted to open one of the windows .

Fuck fuck!

I used all my strength to try and pry the window open but it wouldn't bug. I couldn't be more thrilled.

"If even you did get that window open you're gonna get hurt once you jump down there."

I quickly turnt around and he waved at me. "How would you know?"

"It's been done before." he smiled.

He motioned for me to come over to him. I shook my head no, " I don't want to be anywhere near you!"

"You're in my house." he chuckled.

"Against my own will! Do you seriously think I wanna be here! I want you to take me home!"

"Come on I need your help."

I crossed my arms, he looked at me rolling his eyes as he came over to grab my wrist. I gritted my teeth since that was the arm he had injured.

"Just help me and I'll try to help you."

"I'm not helping you!" I screamed.

"Oh yeah?"

He flicked my wrist applying some pressure it, where I felt the burning pain that seeped through it.

"Let go!"

He gripped onto it harder leading me down stairs to the car. This time he let me sit in the passenger seat. I was confused as in why he didn't put me in the trunk.

I furrowed my eyebrows realizing that maybe just maybe he wasn't going to take me home. Wait a second.

He would have put me in the trunk if he was gonna kill me. The engine started and we drove away from the house we weren't driving towards the city.

He pulled out onto the road, there were no other cars or houses just a the green forests that we drove pass.

I was literally in the middle of fucking nowhere. He continued driving until he reached a his stop point.

He got out taking the keys along with him, he went into the back taking a shovel out of the trunk and dropping it to the cement ground.

~ time skip ~

I watched him as he digged and digged from whatever he was trying to find.

He looked over at me motioning for me to go over to him. I went over there hesitantly.

"I need to see something." he rubbing his hand through his hair.

"What do you ne-"

He pushed me into the hole he'd been digging, "What the fuck?!"

It had been deep and wide enough for a body to fit in here. My eyes widen, "You're gonna bury me!"

I could see his head disappear from above. I winced as I tried to get up now one of my arms are definitely messed up.


I could see his head reappear again, he looked down at me. He threw somebody else in with me.

"What are you doing!" I screamed.

Her body fell lifelessly to the ground, and she looked super pale. My breathing became more rapid as I realized this girl, this woman, this person. Was fucking dead.

I screamed as felt her cold arm against my leg. My ears started to ring and I wasn't sure what Anthony had been saying.

My stomach turned, I tried to cover my mouth but I ended up vomit all over the dead woman's hair.

"Are you fucking dumb!" Anthony screamed.

"Let me out! Let me out!"

He grabbed my hand pulling me up out of the hole. I snatched my hand away from him once I was above the ground.

"You're fucking crazy!" I cried.

He slapped me across my cheek causing me to lose the balance in my knees.

"Why would you fucking do that!" he screamed grabbing ahold of my shoulders and nearly shaking me to death.

"I didn't do anything! I- I didn't do anything!"

"Look at what you fucking did to her!" he said still screaming at me.

"Get off of me!"

I pushed at him screaming for him to get off of me, he was hurting me. And with everything going on at once I was scared. I was frightened. I just wanted to go home.

~ time skip~

I woke up feeling an airy draft come over my body. I rubbed at my eyes, confused.


It was dark with only a little light that shone through the super tiny window.
I crawled through the darkness trying to find something to help me see.

I didn't find anything, "Anthony!"

"Anthony!" I cried.

He wasn't responded, I crawled closer towards what appeared to be a steps. I  got myself up limping up the stairs. Once I got to the top I realized that there was a door.

I tried opening it but it wouldn't open, maybe because it was locked from the other side. I started to bang on the door.

"Anthony! please!"

I even used my injured hand to get his attention. I don't wanna be in here. A bunch of things went through my mind as I banged on the door.

I thought about my friends, my mom and dad, and Sean. I wanted more than anything to go back home. This was all my fault, this was my karma doing what I did to Sean.

For getting mad at my dad. For lashing out on my mom. I guess I'm getting punished for all of the things I've said that wasn't so nice.

My hands grew tired of the constant banging I kneeled down to the floor and covered my hands in my face. I cried, this was worst than anything that I've ever experienced.

"Don't leave me in here!"

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