uninvited guest

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I slid her the plate filled with food. She looked at the plate and then back at me.

"We're not doing this again."

She picked up the fork, putting a little bit of egg on it. We just ate there in silence, every now and then I would looked up just to get a good look at her.

She wasn't able to use her dominant hand, I'd probably have to get that doctor to pay a visit.

I realized that she had already finished her plate, sliding it further in front of herself.

"You must have been hungry."

She didn't look up at me, she just stared at her hands. Why wasn't she speaking, she couldn't possibly get upset from last night. I walked over to her standing

"Want me to make it up to you?" 

Her face scrunched in disgust, I could hear a car driving up in the front. I squinted my eyes at the front door as someone walked up knocking at it.

"Who is it?"

"Anthony you know it's me!" dosse screamed.

I looked at Valerie who limping her way to the door, I tackled her to the ground. She started screaming at me.

"Get off of me! Get off of me!" she screamed kicking at me.

"Anthony what was that! Ant-"

"Nothing Dosse, shit hold the fuck on!"

I pushed my hand up to her mouth as she tried to make more noise. My patience started to run out.

"Valerie shut the fuck up!" I whisper shouted.

Dosse started to pound on the door louder. I bit at my lip, forcing herself up still covering her mouth.

We both waddle our way to the basement door, "I'll hurt you worst than last time. Keep that mouth of yours shut."

"Anthony what are you doing in there! I swear I'll break your door down right now! Fucking answer it!"

I could hear her kicking at the door with her foot. I let out a sharp hiss, and pushed Valerie down to the basement.

I locked it shut, she better not get back up from tumbling those steps, I turned on the TV. And quickly opened the door.

"What the fuck was that noise?" Dosse screamed stomping into the room.

She stood in the middle of the living room scanning around the area. Why is she here. She looked at me with a concerning look.

"We're you watching TV?" she asked.

I cracked a smile, "Yeah? Why are you here?"

She then walked over to the kitchen avoiding my question. Putting her fingers on the dirty dishes that I forgot to put in the sink from earlier.

"Who else is here?" she said tilting her  head over at the empty plate that had very few crumbs on it.

"Is that any of your business?" I questioned pulling out a cigarette and offering her one.

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