Chapter 18

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Lucy's /Elric's p

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Lucy's /Elric's p.o.v

I spent the car ride home half embarrassed and a half really happy. Shit. I didn't know it could feel like this.

I could almost say I'm sure she likes me, but after my nap at her house..oh god. the shame. I can't say I'm sure of it now. But that's why tomorrow I will get my shit together and stop making decisions on a whim but actually put the thought into why I want to see this girl and how to have a great time.

I needed a shower. And a good plan.

I walked inside the den and the place was noisy as always. I found Ace on my usual spot, his eyes scanning the crowd.

"You're back." He waved and beckoned me to come closer. "Everything is in perfect order." He got up immediately as I got closer.

"Great man. Thank you." I tapped his shoulder and headed for the kitchen.

He stood there with his mouth hanging open, his body still.

He snapped back and immediately followed me to the kitchen. "I also made sure everyone watched what they were doing, made them clean up their shit as they left and I also supervised you know what."

I wiped the apple off my shirt. "Awesome." I took a bite. "Hey didn't you say you want to be a Big Data engineer. How is your SQL? Need any help ?"

Ace pressed his palms together like he was trying to figure something out and then eventually gave up and smiled. "It's coming along great. But Malbolge...that it's just impossible."

"I have some books that you can read. Helped me out a lot." I pulled out my phone. "Give me your email. I'll send them to you."

He was so close to laughing but eventually got out his phone and gave me his mail address.

"Thanks." He said and walked away confused.

What was up with that?

Francy's p.o.v

I and Remi sat on my bed staring at the silent phone.

"You're sure he said, I will call you?" Remi asked. "Not text you or.."

"I'm sure." I sighed as the phone was silent as a mouse.

"Hm..Maybe he had an accident." Remi said.

"Remi!" I yelled. "Don't even go there. I'll be happier to know that he forgot to call then that he had an accident."

We became silent again.

"You should have taken his number." She murmured.

"Don't you think I know that? I just panicked." I went with my fingers through my hair and then put my hands on my chest. "You know, I haven't had a problem talking to boys, but when he is there, next to me, it takes all my strength just to come up with a sentence. I always thought that when I like someone it will feel so easy to talk to them and it will be comfortable around them. But when he looks at me I get all tensed up and my heart beats so loud." I covered my face with my hands and then touched my cheeks. They were so hot.

"Oh god, Remi what do I do tomorrow? What if I can barely say a word. What if he leans to kiss me and I freeze in place, unable to move my lips."

Remi took my hand. "You'll be fine. You just feel like that because we lack experience. I'm sure you will have a great time. As for the relaxing part, didn't you say so yourself? The more tension the better. Don't rush through the nervous butterflies. They are experiencing on their own. They vanish so fast once you get comfortable so if you feel nervous just go with it. And if he doesn't like you because of it, then it's his loss."

"Oh Remi." I hugged her. "What will I do without you tomorrow?"

"You'll do just fine." She patted my back. "You'll see."

And the phone rang.

We pushed each other off and stared at the phone.

"Well! Pick it up!" She nudged me.

I took the phone with shaking hands. "Hello."

"Hi.." His deep voice resonated. "It's Elric."

Remi had glued her head to my phone and gave me a thumbs up when she heard his voice.

"Hi." I said again, slapping my forehead. I had already said that.

"How are you?" He asked calmly. Was he not nervous at all?

"I'm great. You?"

"Good.Good." He said and there was silence on the phone.

"Um.." We both started and then I closed my mouth so he could continue.

"About tomorrow..." He started. "Should I pick you up or do you want to meet somewhere?"

I looked at Remi and she mouthed "meet".


"Okay." He cleared his throat. "Then how about around 1 we meet in front of the festival vendors."

"Okay." I said and Remi gestured for me to talk.

"See you tomorrow then." I said.

"Looking forward to it. Have a good night."

"You too."

I waited for a second and then hung up.

"Aaaa. His voice matches so well with the picture you showed me. " Remi screamed and hugged me. "Quickly what are you going to wear?"

"I don't know. He said to meet in front of the festival vendors." I remembered when we last went there.

Remi climbed off the bed and started rummaging through my closet.

Rehan suddenly showed up at the door. "Hey mom asks if Remi is staying for dinner." He then looked at Remi. "Oh, you're going somewhere?"

"Not today." Remi answered.

He walked inside and took a look at me. "Where are you going tomorrow?"

"Photoshoot." I blurted. "Me and Remi are taking photos for instagram."

Instantly he lost interest and left.

"You're not going to tell at home?" Remi asked, smirking. "Not even your mom."

"Hell no." I smiled and shushed her. And then I thought of something I've been wanting to ask for quite a while.

"Hey Remi, what did you see in Rehan's room?"

"Rehan's room?" She turned towards me confused. "I've never been in there."

"Girl you peeked inside last time we were here," I pouted. Nooo. My only chance of knowing what's in there.

"I barely remember past the second glass of vodka."

I sunk in the bed disappointed. Well, that was it.

"How did I end up in Kai's bed?" She suddenly asked.

"Um......" My brain scattered for answers. "I...we hid you there so mom doesn't notice we were drinking."

"Hmh." She nodded not questioning my decision. "I was confused when I woke up with my alarm. I didn't know where I was." She continued going through my closet, but I could see she was thinking deeply about something. "Then I could smell the pillow and I knew it was Kai's room."

I squinted suspiciously. "You know what Kai smells like?"

She still seemed in daze as she was looking at my sweater. "Yeah he always smells fresh like a warm summer night with something very....very..." She then turned towards me, a bit confused. "something. Let's go eat." And just like that, she left the room without looking me in the eyes.

Interesting...very interesting.

Kai's unrequited love might turn out both sided after all.

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