Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Francy's p.o.v

I let go of his hand and instantly he grabbed my hand back.

"That was a sly trick." He held my hand.

"I didn't..that was not..I.." I think smoke came out of my head. "I really didn' wasn't like that."

He slowly let our hands fall next to us, but he still held my hand tight.

"Then have I made a mistake? Should I let go?" He said, loosening his grip.

"Uh no." I gripped his hand. "Umm." I looked down. How did this turn into a date like this?

"Then just until we reach that place over there?" He pointed with his other hand and I nodded too embarrassed to say anything.

He was surprisingly quiet as well.

We reached a street where numerous vendors were selling different stuff. A traditional fall bazaar was done every year. I usually went with my family or with Remi. But never with a guy.

As we got to the crowded place he let go of my hand. It kind of felt empty since his hand was so warm on mine.

He stood in front of a vendor and ordered two hot chocolates. Once he got them we sat down on the table next to the vendor. He was sitting right next to me. From one side I was warmer this way, from the other my hands were shaking from nervousness.

"So you never told me what you want to pursue." He finally spoke.

I opened my mouth and closed it. "No. I'm not saying anything."

"Come on. Please." He almost whispered.

My inside voice was screaming.

"I want to break the personal rule just once." He said.

"Well..." I hesitated. "I want to try being a glassblower." I finally said it.

"A what?" He blinked twice.

I cupped both of my hands around the hot chocolate. "A glassblower is an old technique in making glass. There aren't a lot of people doing it because it's dangerous and you have to work with heat. But there is something very thrilling in being able to make something like that. And if I can come up with new ideas to use this technique I can have something on the market no one has ever done before."

He stared at me and then sighed. "For some reason, this sounds incredibly sexy to me."

I let out a nervous laugh.

He lifted his hand and brushed my hair back. "Do you have someone you like?"

The moment he asked that I could tell he wasn't aware it would come out of his mouth. I was so struck by the question that I almost spilled my cup.

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