Chapter twelve

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Cracking of dried burning branches and songs of crickets countered the silence that hovered amongst the odd three. Mitch , Michael and sam's sister,Lilian. Their eyes focused on the dance of the flames . The news that sam wasn't an only child was enough to churn the gears Michael's mind .
"So first I want to start off by saying, you owe Sam an apology." Michael's gaze set them selves onto Lilian's through the flames . " Sam suffered greatly, growing up with the idea that she was abandoned. She and I aren't that close but her and Agatha are which makes me feel some type of way towards you."
Michael stood up , his gaze never leaving hers. " My plan was to hunt some ghost terrorizing my brother and I learn the truth behind my grandfather's dismay but it seems there is a whole lot more to be done here ."

Mitch looked between Lilian and Michael . He could see  the anger starting to seep through Michael's eyes yet Lilian seemed unfazed.
She remained seated. " An apology? Sure I guess I owe someone I only recently discovered to exist an apology. Someone who shared the same past as I an apology."
Sarcasm was heavy in Lilian's voice. " Don't worry I'll be sure to get down on all fours."
Michael blacked. The stress from feeling powerless not being able to protect his little brother from this , the anger he felt towards his grandfather and the town itself. The feeling of realizing he'd been lied to, kept in the dark. It overwhelmed him to the point of irrationality.

One thing lead to another .  Once he raised a fist at her the two was going at it . Mitch was freaking out to scared to intervene.
Though Mitch was yelling at the top of his lungs , his words never reached Michael. He was a black belt in kickboxing but all those years of training didn't do him any good in this moment .
He kicked, she ducked. He punched, she dodge. He lunged and she maneuvered out of the way and watch him tumble. A smirk played on her lips and that pushed Michael over the edge . Laying on his back he checked for something to use as weapon. Her spear.
In one swift motion he rolled over grabbed her spear and darted at her ;aiming for her chest .
Lilian whipped out two small knives quickly braced herself for impact. Just a few meters away Michael lunged with all his strength.
Time moved in slow motion, Lilian prepared herself lifting the two knives, crossing them in hopes to redirect the weapon, but it never came. Suddenly her vision was blocked by a dark object.
The sound of ripping fabric and paper echo through the trees, followed by a foreign scream as that dark object end up slamming into Lilians defense causing her to fumble backwards onto her butt. Lilian grunted and winced in pain, her vision became temporarily disoriented but once she came to she looked up and realized she'd been saved.
Standing before her was young man no older than the twins . His gaze was more so a glare , standing there with a black backpack that now had a whole straight through it and paper sheds falling out of it . She followed his gaze to only see Michael clutching his shoulder as he slowly picking himself up to his knees with Mitch's help. Lilian heard whimpering, she looked around to see only a few meters away standing in the shadows of the trees was two young women hugging each other in fear.

" Michael, didn't your mother ever tell you not to lay a hand on a woman?"
Finally Michael stumbled to his feet and returned the daggers back at his new opponent. " What do you know, mudon!"

Mudon dropped the bag he was holding and took a few steps forward towards Michael. " Not much actually, but  I will tell you what I do know." Mudon began cracking his knuckles. " I know there is something you two have been keeping from us ,Agatha included." He popped a knuckle. " I know I never seen this woman a day in my life and you two seem to be familiar with her." He popped another knuckle. " and I know I saw you attempted many times to lay on her and if wasn't for me blocking that spear and kicking the shit out of you you'd be one single and wanted man." He cracked the last few of his knuckles. " so either start talking and I'll let you off easy or we can do this the old fashion way and let off some steam."

Michael shook away from his brother grasp and began going for Mudon. He was still angry and now with the realization on what he attempted to do, ashamed. He knew everyone was watching including Agatha but he needed redemption and he knew that , that's what mudon was offering him.
He swung and landed right on Mudon's jaw, but mudon barely was fazed . With a few swift movements Mudon's had Michael on his back and was bringing down his punishment with every jab to the face.
Mudon went for a few more jabs but at the last second Michael caught his fist. " IM SORRY , PLEASE IM SORRY!"
He pleaded, he turned his head to Lilian, "IM SORRY FOR TRYING TO HURT YOU." He turned his head towards his brother. " IM SORRY I CANT PROTECT YOU." He was sobbing loudly , he looked at his lover Agatha and at Sam. " IM SORRY SWEETHEART I DIDNT MEAN TO SCARE YOU, please forgive me. Sam , I'm sorry you deserve better than what life has given you up until now. I know you don't understand and that I'm not directly involved  but I promise I'll do whatever I can to help you."

Finally he looked up at mudon who was still hovering over him. " Thank you , I'm sorry for leaving you out bro . I don't know why I did .You always had my back,please I'll tell you everything that we know ."

Mudon sighed and sat Michael up and pulled him into a hug. " You're an idiot dude but you better not leave one detail out, you got that? And don't leave us especially me in the dark like that ever again, short cake was worried sick man."

Michael chuckled and hugged him back . " it's a deal ."

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