Chapter Four -Part one

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*Four months earlier*

"Alright class this is your last big project and you'll need to pass this to guarantee yourself a turn to walk the stage so please take it seriously. Meet back here at lunch. Dismissed."

Michael groaned, " if there is one thing all teachers have in common is that they love packing the pressure at the end of the year. If it's not graduating it's moving to the next grade."

" Yeah, only you noticed that because you're the only one pressed. You never do your work bro."

Michael stood at the exit of the nature reserve building with a notebook and pen in hand. "Humor, yes very nice Mitch, let's just get this over with."

The two of them made their way out of the building and chose a random path to follow. Mitch leads the way while studying the assignment sheets and Michael trudges behind.

An hour or so went by before the two decided to take a rest.

" so we have a PowerPoint to make, two individual essays, and twelve questions left to answer." Mitch leaned on a tree stump and wiped the sweat from his forehead. It was only the end of spring and temperatures were already soaring along with the humidity.

"I can take care of the PowerPoint." Michael plopped down on the dirt next to his brother.

" of course you are and I'm only editing your essay I'm not doing it for you."

Michael smacked his lips. He swung over his bag and dug into it for his water bottle. A black metal watch he was wearing read a quarter past ten. He removed it due to the sun heating the metal on his skin. He placed it next to his bag and took a swig from his water bottle.

Despite the heat and humidity, it was a nice day the air was thick with the scent of damp soil and pine. Birds sang and cicadas held their note. A fair intro to the start of summer.

"Hey, Michael."

Michael peered up at his little brother. "Hm?"

He was perplexed. Mitch never called him by his name in such a tone. Not even when he is mad or sad. His tone made him uneasy. "What is it, bro?"

Mitch sat silent for a long moment before speaking again. His gaze was fixed on something way deep into the distance.

" You remember when we were kids and grandpa used to tell us about this story that involved a family being framed and shunned from the town they lived in?"

The memories of good times when they used to listen to their grandpa's stories and snack on grandmother's muffins came flooding into Michael's mind. The nostalgia eased him enough to not think too much of what Mitch was getting at. He laid back and closed his eyes.

"Yeah, I remember."

" Well seemingly every boomer in town knows that story so I did some research on that tale specifically ."


" and unfortunately that folklore could not be a tale after all."

Michael's eyes opened. The more Mitch spoke the less Michael felt the warmth of those memories. "Mitch what are you saying? Are you telling me that tragedy could be true? Why are you bringing this up now?"

Mitch didn't say anything, instead, his gaze stayed fixed on something in the distance. Michael sat up at Mitch's sudden silence. The confusion and uneasiness feelings came crawling back to him, he studied his brother's posture. He was rigid and still like a statue. His eyes still caught. Michael was gonna snap him out of it but he noticed something. Mitch had soiled his pants and his skin was paler than usual.

Michael swallowed hard and took his time trying to follow mitch's gaze. When he did Michael nearly wet his pants too.

Far off in the distance was a figure seemingly dressed in something like a long dress. Judging from its silhouette it was assumed to be a woman. Slowly she was closing the distance between them. As she did the boys noticed something long and sharp in one hand and something long with an odd-shaped tail at the end in the other hand.

Michael stuffed his bottle back in his bag and stood to his feet. "Dude we should go, c'mon."

Mitch had finally come to reality and began to panic. The woman now began to trot towards them and as she did the two objects she was holding came into clear view. In one hand she had a stick with a boar's head on it and in the other, she had a spear.

Screams filled the air. Without another second to wasted, the twins scramble to grab their things and dashed off back towards the building. Not thinking about looking back nor of the things they may have left behind.


Days passed turning into a few weeks and that rolled up into the day of their graduation. Neither of the twins slept very well since that day nor did they ever tell a soul. They were waiting for something. After the ceremony, the boys took pictures and congratulated friends until they finally met back up with their family. Among them was their grandfather.

"Boys your father and I thought it would be a great idea if we go on a trip as a family as a celebration." Their mom was beaming with joy. So much that it hurt them that they had to turn her down.

" Actually mom Mitch and I decided that it would be nice to celebrate with grandpa and grandma at this time ." Michael did his best to put on a convincing smile but he was failing.

" Yeah mom it's been so long since we went fishing with grandpa, I would like to hear his stories one last time," Mitch peered over his parents and set his aim on his grandfather who was catering to his wife. "Before we head to college."

Their mom looked defeated but she quickly recovered at the words of her husband.

" let the boys be honey besides when was the last time you and I had the house completely to ourselves?"

As their parents made googly to each other the boys held a slight glare towards their grandfathers who had some explaining to do.

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