Chapter 6: Mutiny

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*Another Chapter this one holds an interesting situation*

The Days wear on

And (Y/n) knows not what to do with them. A few days ago he would have yearned to be free from his bonds, to be able to do as he pleased.

But now that he was free he could not find anything worth doing, the only thing he ever did was what was required of him on board the ship.

He was so used to being interacted with by the Captain, but she had not talked to him since the loss of Mr. Arrow.

Sometimes, (Y/n) missed the ring. It didn't matter if it was the underground or not. At least there all he had to worry about was not killing the guy he was gonna punch. None of this dog and pony bullshit.

(Y/n) also somewhat missed Captain Amelia, as strange as it felt. She was the first person to treat him like an individual, like he wasn't anything less. Not a beggar nor a dirtbag, she treated him like a...


(Y/n) let out a short laugh.

An alien treated him more like a living being than his own kind once did.

How ironic.

(Y/n) brushed a strand of hair from his face and sighed and sat up from his bed. He had been staring at the ceiling of his cot for the past hour thinking. 

Perhaps, some fresh air would do him some good.

(Y/n) climbed up to the deck absentmindedly not paying anyone any mind too lost in thought. A large group of sailors stalked past him Scroop roughly shoved his shoulder and muttered. (Y/n) simply glared.

Fresh air sure wasn't helping either, nor were the muttering of his fellow sailors.

(Y/n) kept walking letting his feet guide him as he focused on glaring at the group.

Guiding him right to the doors of Amelia's statesroom.

(Y/n) eyes widened as he looked down and shifted his boot. Could she hear him coming? Why was it so silent?

"Land ho!"

Figures the silence would be interrupted.

Crew members spilled from the decks below eager to see the planet of their perilous journey.

(Y/n) merely glanced at the marvelous planet before turning back to the statesroom expecting Amelia to throw the doors open and raise a brow and ask why he was gawking at her door.

But the doors never opened.

(Y/n) sighed again frustrated with himself and with this annoying fucking feeling!

Lifting a fist he slammed it into the door with a loud bang in blinded anger.

Then realized what he had just done.

As he turned to leave not wanting to be scolded for punching a crack into the oak wood door he turned to a frantic Jim Hawkins who ran into him.

Just as the doors swung open.

Throwing the pair of Human onto the statesroom floor.

An unamused Amelia stood over them her hands at her hips.

"What in the universe are the pair of you doing?" Amelia asked 

Doctor Doppler looking at them confused from his chair at the other side of Amelia's desk a pencil in hand and a half written letter in the other.

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