Chapter 4: Dinner for two.

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*this chapter shall be a one on one special bonding moment time for Amelia and (Y/n) no movie relation since this is where Silver and Jim would start to bond in the movie. Without further ado here we go*

The Captain was acting odd.

Or at least to (Y/n) she was.

She seemed to somehow change her attitude when he was involved whether he was present or mentioned in conversation.

Her demeanor would change, Amelia's stoic and well maintained posture would shift and she would become somewhat more chipper and playful (to (Y/n) specifically) and hold a soft smile on her face but quickly discarded it when being talked to or interacting with someone.

It became so noticable to (Y/n) in fact, that he could be able to tell just by her shift in attitude if he was the topic of any conversation or gossip. It was difficult at first, to see such change in the good Captain.

But being the one with the most interaction with Captain Amelia out of the crew (besides Mr. Arrow.) (Y/n) made it a hobby.

After all, he was still tied to the mast, and now under an even more keen eye. 

When he had tried to distract Amelia while convincing Jim Hawkins to help him escape and accidentally flirt with Amelia the last thing he expected was for her to react how she did.

Instead of the harsh smack he was expecting, instead Amelia seemed...delighted by the change of the conversation.

It actually threw him for a loop.

Then she flirted back, or at least he thinks.

Now, he stood (technically) tied to the same mast for the past few days being set free only to piss and relieve himself and eat (if Amelia didn't feel like spoon feeding him.) By the Captain.

She seemed to make everything he did her business.

Which tended to get very annoying.

(Y/n) hated this just being left here to sit and think, and think, and think, then sleep and think some more! 

If he stays tied to this mast any longer he is going to go nuts.

And, as luck would have it. The Captain had a particular interest in talking with (Y/n) today and had quite the proposal.

"Mr.(L/n) what would you say to a night of dinner?" Amelia asked him walking up to him a proud smirk on her face.

"W-What? Dinner? Why?" (Y/n) asked surprised and confused.

Amelia looked away for a moment and for a millisecond (Y/n) thought she looked nervous.

"No reason. I thought it would be a welcome relief to be free from those binds for a night. If you think otherwise..." Amelia trailed off.

"No! no no no no, it's just you caught me off guard is all, nobody's ever asked me to um dine with them." (Y/n) said 

Amelia smiled elatedly.

"Well I'm surprised you have not been offered something so simple, you are good company even if you're..." Amelia paused not finding the right words

"Unorthodox." She finished.

(Y/n) rolled his eyes.

"Regardless, what do you say? A night of freedom to break bread with your Captain?" Amelia asked hope lacing her words.

"...I don't see why not." (Y/n) said simply.

"Wonderful! I will have Mr. Arrow find you something suitable to wear and bring you up when dinner is ready." Captain Amelia said as she turned on her heel and waltzed off.

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